Example of Strategy Implementation – XYZ Eco Group

An example of strategy implementation for a company with multiple business units and various stakeholders. XYZ Eco Group, dedicated to creating and managing eco-friendly urban green spaces, had to manage multiple business units. They initially started their strategy and performance measurement in Excel, but as their operations grew, managing various spreadsheets became unsustainable. Below, we … Read more

Strategic Planning Cases for XYZ Eco Group

XYZ Eco Group is an imaginary company used to showcase examples of strategic planning approach automated by the BSC Designer platform. Follow the Cases of Eco Group Strategy Implementation (stakeholders, cascading strategy, alignment) Strategic B2B Sales About XYZ Eco Group At XYZ Eco Group, we are an innovative company dedicated to creating and managing urban … Read more

Strategic B2B Sales in 2024: Cost Optimization with Strategy Mapping

Align your B2B sales offer with the client’s strategy to drive growth and create value. Achieve a 3x cost optimization through the use of strategy assessment and strategy map templates. Show strategic alignment with the client’s objectives to gain stakeholder buy-in and accelerate decision-making. Strategic Sales in 2024 Strategic or consultative sales focus on establishing … Read more

How to Audit Business Strategy in 2024: A Checklist with 31 Key Checkpoints

Facing challenges in strategy execution? Audit your strategy implementation to detect improvement points and gain actionable insights with a comprehensive checklist. Why Audit Strategy? Like any audit, a strategy audit provides a review of the strategy-related processes and behavior patterns established within an organization to assess how complete and effective they are. Here are some … Read more

Strategy Review Meeting: Effective Agenda to Discuss Strategy

For an effective strategy review, discuss the outcomes of the previous meeting, analyze current performance gaps, and review new factors detected. With over 20 years of helping organizations implement their strategies through our platform and consultancy, we have developed a strategy review process that has proven to be results-focused.  Organize your strategy meeting according to … Read more

Compare Performance Metrics: Analytical Methods for Data-Driven Decision

Compare the performance of metrics over time. Support data-driven decisions with analysis of trends, variance, correlation, and benchmarks. In strategic planning, we quantify objectives to make them more specific. The absolute value of a metric typically provides limited information. For data-driven decisions, collect data for the metric and use tools such as: Trends and anomaly … Read more

Results-Based Management vs. Balanced Scorecard for Strategy Implementation

Results-Based Management (RBM) framework follows disciplined performance measurement and highlights clear causality between implementation and results. Results-Based Management in the non-profit/governmental sectors is the counterpart of the Balanced Scorecard framework popular in the private sector. In this article, we’ll discuss: Background of the RBM framework; RBM’s implementation process; How the RBM framework compares to the … Read more

Why KPI-Centric Balanced Scorecard Fail

Many Balanced Scorecard implementations fail because they focus only on performance measurement. Learn why this is a dangerous pattern and how to shift to a strategy-first paradigm. Why Balanced Scorecard Implementations Fail The Balanced Scorecard is a popular strategy execution framework. Despite its popularity, why do so many Balanced Scorecard implementations fail? The answer is … Read more

How to Use AI in Strategic Planning: Application Cases with Examples

Discover AI application cases in strategic planning, including scenario planning, strategic analysis, and validating internal controls against new regulations. Responsible use of AI. With the variety of AI models and the ease of using them, organizations need to consider implementing a proper AI governance framework to ensure transparent and responsible use of AI. Where AI … Read more

An Example of Balanced Scorecard with KPIs for Facility Management

Facility management is a complex discipline that requires the coordinated efforts of multiple stakeholders. In this article, we discuss an example of using the Balanced Scorecard framework to document and execute a facility management strategy. Similar to cases in the construction industry, the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard framework in facility management was traditionally limited … Read more