Balanced Scorecard Software – Customer Stories

BSC Designer is a popular software for Balanced Scorecard and strategic planning. Find a user story that resonates with your needs.

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BSC Designer BSC Designer rating: 9/10 based on 102 reviews. Submit new!

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  • Recommended tool for working on initiatives that promote quality

    We are currently aligning IT initiatives with the company's objectives. The monitoring of the KPIs and the advances in the activities were carried out manually in a spreadsheet.With BSC Designer we have automated all the construction of the BSC. We can feed the KPIs automatically and we can make analysis reports and follow-up on the initiatives we are carrying out.

    • The functionalities of BSC Designer are intuitively designed and allow the rapid implementation of BSC and CMI diagrams.
    • The support material and documentation is complete, easy to understand and is in several languages.
    • Something very useful is access to templates, which speeds up the startup process.

    Definitely BSC Designer is a powerful and recommended tool for those companies that are beginning to measure their performance and working on initiatives that promote quality.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Pablo Guerrero, IT Manager, Magycorp, Dominican Republic

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  • Easier Balanced Scorecard with BSC Designer

    During my MBA I had to develop several projects that involved BSC and I had to do this by myself, using templates found on the Internet. After some digging I finally found BSC Designer, which made my life easier. It truly goes beyond normal capabilities improving performance. Now it's simpler and quicker to get things done.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Evandro Meneguella, FGV MBA Campinas, Brazil

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  • Balanced Scorecard for Medical Operation Planning

    I'm in Medical Emergency Management and Medical Operation Planning. We are currently implementing the Balanced Score Card for our department.The user interface of the BSC Designer is friendly and easy to adapt even for some of the beginner in my department. I'm still new to it, but am already beginning to love it. Give me another 2 weeks and maybe I'll upgrade to the PRO version.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Dr Md Amin Muslan, Ministry Of Defense, Malaysia

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  • Bank Implements BSC Designer for Strategy Improvement and Strategic Control in Finance

    After a year since the starting date of BSC system’s implementation process, provided by BSC Designer as a dashboard, the company had successfully developed its strategic activity – the important management subsystem, letting the company know the direction where to move.The department of planning and control, the team responsible for system’s implementation had reviewed the strategy, determining the strategic goals and their weights. Inputting this information to BSC Designer’s project step by step, the team had created a clear and exact strategy map. BSC had managed to transfer specific goals agreed with the vision of the Financial Institution. After that, the strategic goals begun to be translated into operational tasks with help of departments heads. The process of this translation is not finished yet, but the management has excellent expectations about it. Read full story.

    Check out LinkedIn profile AGUSTIN GARCÍA, The director of planning and control, CAJA RURAL, Spain

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  • BSC Designer Makes Managerial Decision-Making Much Easier

    GB PLUS uses Excel and Power Point reports, but the company management wants improvement in the reporting process. The company hasn’t used reporting capabilities of BSC Designer and they have no experience in using custom formulas. GB PLUS chose BSC Designer because it has these capabilities and that is what they’re looking for. Company management realizes that Balanced Scorecard will be useless if information cannot be accessed in real time.BSC Designer has become a good choice for GB PLUS since it offers on-time access to information and has an excellent reporting system. This makes managerial decision-making much easier. To sum it up, from this case study it is evident that GB PLUS clearly understood the benefits of Balanced Scorecard and BSC Designer. The company is only making first steps in BC implementation and has already achieved some positive results. Read full story...

    Check out LinkedIn profile José Ricardo Zea Grayeb, Quality team coach, GB Plus, S.A., Mexico

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  • Complete Scorecards in a Record Time

    Finding BSC Designer has been a great help. Using the template available for HR and Travel, as well as designing my own for other areas, I have been able to complete my scorecards in a record time. The program is simple to navigate and produces a report that is easy to read and understand.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Kathryn Diab, Area Purchasing Supervisor, The Church of Latter-Day Saints, South Africa

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  • Software to Define and Track Key Quality Indicators (KQI)

    I needed to design balanced scorecards that allow top executives of my clients to track existing initiatives and create new ones. I just started using BSC Designer and I find it very useful as it allows creating categories and sub-categories where I can put key performance indicators. It is then possible to represent hierarchical structure of Key Performance Indicator and, by aggregating them, to define and track Key Quality Indicators. These key quality indicators are very important to understand how key performance indicators 'perform' in particular contexts or situation. I need to understanding more in depth the potential of this application, but it is very likely that I will upgrade to the PRO version.

    Davide Gentile, Strategic Advisor, Davide Gentile Management Consultancy, Italy

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  • Drill Down Objectives and Support Business Intelligence System

    We are using BSC Designer as a tool in our management group, to drill down our objectives and support our business intelligence system and internal contracts.I find your tool easy to use and also find it to be a good support for people who are not familiar with balanced scorecards. It makes it easier to discuss and find the right objectives and metrics, as it supports the team discussions and interpretations of the tasks ahead of us. It is great and easy to use software.

    Torben Lindbak-Larsen, Head of department, Municipality of Aabenraa, Denmark

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  • Measure Managers’ Performance in Order to Decide if They Have Reached Their Objective

    With BSC Designer I have to measure managers' performance in order to decide if they have reached their objectives.I think BSC Designer is really a good product. I evaluated also the use of other software, such as Hyperion, SAP or Microsoft BSC, but all of them have a disadvantage. They all require installing a DB (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and so on). BSC Designer instead has all you need built in and it is extremely easy to install. From a functionality point of view, BSC Designer Pro has all of the features you need: strategy maps, a KPI designer, many graphical representations, analysis tools and so on. And, last but not least, the price is really competitive with respect to the other competitors.

    Isotta, Controller, Telecom Italia, Italy

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  • BSC Designer Helps to Follow Up Objectives and Initiatives

    We use BSC Designer to follow up on objectives, initiatives and demonstrate in a map how they can be linked to actual strategy.It's really very good, since it allows performing a variety of objectives. It facilitates the metrics with flexibility, helps me see in plain terms what exactly is going on in every aspect of those four basics perspectives of the company and once they've all been aligned you will find in what point of performance you are exactly in!

    Wilfredo Taveras, Budget Manager, Ferreteria Ochoa, Dominican Republic

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  • Review the Company's Goals with BSC Designer

    One of my main activities as an advanced project management consultant is to help my clients to identify what projects contribute toward the business' vision and mission achievement.This activity is not simple, it requires constant review and evaluation of the company's goals and objectives.The best way to review the company's goals and objectives is using the right set of tools. It is better if these tools are computer based.I find really useful the option that lets me present my data as HTML or PowerPoint reports. And I can also export it to Excel and use my info in our third party software.

    Ivan Rivera, Project Manager, PMP, Mexico

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  • Useful and User Friendly Balanced Scorecard Software

    We use BSC Designer for establishing Strategy Maps for our company, establishing strategic goals and KPIs on the BSC and trace the KPIs and targets using the software.It is one of the best software among the ones in the sector. The program is definitely user friendly and I recommend it for all organizations regardless of their structure. The approach is very easy to understand and very easy to use. The BSC Designer team puts a lot of effort into improving the software depending on the customer's requests, which is a very vital factor for the customer's satisfaction. Thanks to all the team for this very valuable software.

    Haluk Dingiloglu, Project Manager, Hidromek A.S, Turkey

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  • BSC Designer In Management Consulting Services

    Working in Management Consulting services, we are regularly facing opportunities to help our customers to get a clear view on specific management concerns. It could address general management topics for which the traditional Norton-Kaplan approach is used, but also more specific like building a scorecard for the IT department.We find BSC Designer a very ergonomic and intuitive tool. It quickly adapts to your way to carry out the information analysis. It is simple, fast and effective. BSC Designer helps to avoid using and maintaining home-made Excel sheets and produces professional results.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Emmanuel Jaunart, Founder of Mielabelo, Belgium

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  • BSC Designer in Consulting and IT Areas

    We use BSC Designer in the consulting enterprise, here is Brazil; I have faced the task of applying the Balanced Scorecard approach in an information technology company that produces software for public services. Having only basic knowledge of the concept, working with BSC Designer helped me to understand the concept much better and helped the company with their tasks. BSC Designer appeared to be very easy to use and it provided me with a powerful functionality to realize how BSC works for a real company, not only the theory about it.

    Cezar Andrade Marques de Azevedo, Consultant at Pro Max Consultoria, Brazil

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  • Using Balanced Scorecard to Support Decision Making

    I am happy to inform you that our article ("An Integrated Approach for Selecting Information Systems: A Case Study") has been published. As BSC Designer helped us a lot in our work, we took the initiative to refer you and your company in our acknowledgments. Again, thank you for your support.

    Kostas Viglas, Hellenic Open University, Greece

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  • Strategic Planning and Management Alternative to Excel

    This tool has contributed a lot as a strategic planning and operation management solution that enabled everyone to track results at real-time and achieve assigned goals. It provides a dynamic approach to work-flow planning unlike using Excel spreadsheet. Now we saved about 50% of time wasted in understanding who was responsible for a particular task. We have got a clear picture of the time-frame for a particular job. It's amazing tool to save resources.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Nwankwo Emmanuel, Aegis School of Business and Telecommunications, India

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  • Translating Excel Scorecard in BSC Designer

    We will try to translate our Balanced Scorecard to this software. The idea is to see there indicators for strategic and operational processes. We continue to translate our Balanced Scorecard to BSC Designer and hopefully this software will be an excellent choice compared to the scorecard in Excel. The actual problem in the translation is the structure of our Excel spreadsheet. For each indicator there we have a numerator and a denominator.The value of an indicator is the result of the division of these two variables. I am trying to make an easier structure in the BSC Designer software in order to stop using Excel for this task.I have contacted BSC Designer support several times with questions regarding translating our Balance Scorecard in BSC Designer. For each of the questions I have gotten excellent replies.

    Pablo Avengo, Ventalum, Bs As, Argentina

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  • Measure How Well We Are Doing With Our Strategic Plan

    I will be using BSC Designer to build BSC to help measure the impact of our team's activity with the rest of the organization. I've only started to use your product, but I can see it as a great way to help measure how well we are doing with our strategic plan and how each tactical initiative fits within our strategic plan.We have a wealth of measured information and BSC will help us to distill the data and provide a summary of where we stand insofar as our strategic plan.We take pride in the quality of work we do for our customers, but for our internal reports, up until now, we were using MS Excel over multiple tabs and it was not easy to follow. BSC Designer will make it easier to build high quality BSC.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Daniel Gaudet, Principal Consultant, CA Technologies, Canada

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  • Cascade the Objectives Down to the Management Hierarchy

    We consult companies about the ways to cascade the objectives down to the management hierarchy. We use BSC Designer to ensure successful implementation of strategic goals in these companies.Strategic Management implementation has been our business challenge across the different layers of management from top management down to key operations. In many business units of family owned businesses there was a problem to cascade the objectives successfully in a timely and effective manner. Our expectation from the BSC Designer program are high. We plan to assist our consulting customers in implementing the BSC concept and achieving improvement in an easy and systematic way. So far, so good.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Michael Raphael, General Manager/Owner, Management Integrated Consultants, Lebanon

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  • An Easy Solution for Growth of the Balanced Scorecard

    We are using BSC Designer for a continuous reporting of security KPIs and in the future we may use it for all of our management processes.This Balanced Scorecard software:
    - is easy to use even without training;
    - has an easy to understand reporting and user interface;
    - has an interface for accessing your own KPIs that are already in place in Excel or Access (not yet tested, but it looks promising and it is necessary for step by step migration)As far as being evaluated, it is a good solution for furthering the growth of the Balanced Scorecard, e.g. cascading of BSC to use for all processes.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Dieter Brunner, CSO, GRZ IT Center Linz GmbH, Austria

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  • Develop Indicators and Construct Dashboards

    I've downloaded BSC Designer to help me with my research of the BSC approach and implementation of this business framework in our company. BSC Designer appeared to be quite user-friendly and flexible. It allows us to develop indicators and construct dashboards to follow our actions and projects.I think this software is very helpful for us to complete the tasks of the Balanced Scorecard. I would like to recommend this good product to others.

    Terry Yu, Managing Director of FHT Consulting, United Kingdom

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  • Support Indicators and Construct Simple Dashboards

    As soon as we started trying the BSC Designer, we have noticed the power of the tool to support indicators and construct simple dashboards in order to follow actions and tasks. At this very moment I'm working in a consulting project with the CB-DMQ which is our city fire department on the implementation of a BSC tool.We are looking to optimize process and time response, as well as obtaining very structured statistics of the service offered to the community. We found in BSC Designer a very useful tool to start the study and implementation of the BSC in this institution as well in others of the public sector.

    Fabián Rivera, Manager of Rivera Consulting Group, United States

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  • Customizable KPIs for Non-Profit Business

    I downloaded BSC Designer on a trial basis to help me convince colleagues of the utility of this product for our strategic work that implies the usage of the Balanced Scorecard approach. I found the combination of a graphical interface, customizable indicators and data entry forms very easy to adapt and to use.I like that there are overrides for nearly all of the functions, so customizing for a non-profit (as I am doing) is not as hard as on other platforms that I've seen. I think the software is useful for both experienced and new folks using the Balanced Scorecard approach.

    Duncan Earle, Director Malaria Control and Evaluation Partnership in Africa PATH, South Africa

    More cases for Non-profit.

  • Managing KPIs with a Freeware Balanced Scorecard Software

    I am working in management consultancy and professional services area, I want to use BSC designer as a tool to help in strategic planning, balanced scorecards, KPI/dashboard and general strategy implementation/execution projects for my clients in the middle-east region.
    I think BSC Designer is an excellent tool within its category. Even the functionality provided in the free BSC Designer Light is quite impressive. The tool is easy to use and its functions are self-explanatory.
    Providing the overview in YouTube makes handling the tool easy and straight forward. This is all good! I look forward to test more advanced versions that are more enabled and have integration capabilities with popular operational software to get the raw performance metrics and calculate the KPI automatically and without manual intervention.

    Mohammed Thiab, Millennia-Vision Consulting, Jordan

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  • Manage KPIs for BI Project for Metal Manufacturer

    I am using BSC Designer to manage KPI for a BI project in one of the biggest metal manufacturing companies in my country.I was using BSC Designer for a KPI and BI project for the biggest metal manufacturer. The software has a user-friendly interface. I find it really useful for the mentioned scope of tasks. I did not think I could solve this project fast, but now we have a KPI project and all stakeholders are satisfied with the results. I'm going to promote this software to others and hopefully they will gain the same idea about the benefits of the software as I did. I'll be happy to spread the word about your software.

    Vahid Rezaee, CEO, APA Co. Ltd, Middle East

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  • A Dynamic View of KPIs According to Kaplan and Norton BSC

    We use BSC Designer to make a synthesis of a dynamic view of KPIs according to Kaplan and Norton Balanced Scorecard (BSC).This product is easy to use, it has a good interface for a quick understanding of BSC concept. In this software it is possible to fine tune Key Performance Indicators by using base-line, target (objective) and update intervals. Additionally, it's accessible in different languages (including French that was important for us). The Balanced Scorecard Wizard is a nice way to help when starting to use BSC Designer. Educational videos help to gain knowledge and understanding of KPIs and the Balanced Scorecard.

    Capgemini Sogeti, Paris, France

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  • Compare the Real KPI Values with the Expected Ones

    I am planning on implementing the Balanced Score Cards to improve the management process of the company.BSC Designer is a good tool to solve business problems and to have a complete view of the company. It helps employees to work together in all aspects and to focus all objectives in the same strategic direction. In this way you can direct the effort of you team. One can also control possible gaps or deviations of KPI values and compare the real values with the expected ones. As a result it is possible to adjust work processes to achieve expected values. The key is to have the appropriate indicator to estimate and assign a value to the key factors for each responsible center in the company.

    Magdalena T., Accountant, Uruguay

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  • Define Weights for Each KPI

    During my Internet search to find software for strategic planning to be used in the company where I work, I found BSC Designer...After a few hours I could see that it's a wonderful tool for people that wish to implement a BSC (Balanced Scorecard). It is a friendly software that presents the perspectives (financial, customers, inside processes and learning and knowledge) and you can include all parameters and easily control it, and you can even import parameters through SQL.It’s possible to create formulas to follow the parameters and define weights for each parameter. In Balanced Scorecard Designer it’s also possible to attach files in order to define the initiatives of each parameter. Besides, it's also possible to easily issue reports in Excel, HTM, PDF, PPT, etc…

    Fernando Latterza, Planejamento Estratégico BR, Brazil

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  • Linking the Balanced Scorecard with ERP Database

    Acting as a consultant, I can suggest the use of software to my customers. I also challenge this model to evaluate companies.BSC Designer is easy to take in hand. Links with existing data seems to be a little bit complicated. I would like to know if it is possible to link with OpenERP. Also, I need to understand better how team working is possible without risk of destroying the existing data.At this point it seems that the software works only on a PC... do you have plans to issue a Mac version? How secure is the cloud version? Do I risk that some essential information leaks to competitors? Why are some functions that exist in the PRO version not included in the online version?

    Pascal de Clarens, President, Adret, Montaigu, France

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  • BSC Designer Solves the Alignment Between Objectives and Goals

    We are using BSC Designer for making an alignment between the objectives and the goals. It is used to the present strategy of my company.The product seems to be fine for working with the development of the strategic concepts. It can also be used successfully to add initiatives to the indicators. This type of alignment needs to be done in order to ensure that company achieves expected results. The strategic map has to be easy to read so one can detect very accurately the main processes and financial goals that company needs to develop to achieve increase of profits.

    Jaime M., Manager, AGP SAC, Lima, Peru

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  • Align Strategic Objectives with Suggested Actions in Tourist Sector

    With this product we are looking for a way to align and control strategic objectives and projects in the tourist sector with suggested actions.The product is well designed, it is user-friendly, and it has a nice graphical interface. It gave us numerous options to control our strategies. It supported us from the first steps in our mission and vision development to the total control of strategy using indicators.Another benefit that we saw from the very first presentation of the product is that BSC Designer team is always ready to help. They explained the functionality of the product on the website, as well as via email lessons.It is also very versatile in the sense of using is from various platforms such as PC, tablet. The web edition is spectacular.

    Henry Perez, Tourism manager, PHP, Colombia

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  • Marvelous Tool for Deployment and Strategic Control

    In Wbric-Rpérez, C.A. we are always in the search of the most efficient technology to offer our clients the maximum quality for their projects. After evaluating BSC Designer, we believe that it complies with the requisites that make it a marvelous tool for deployment and strategic control. The principal attributes of the tool are its easy handling and adaptability to any type of business. We use it in business of food production, mass media and education.
    Translated by BSC Designer staff.

    Wilfredo Briceño, Director Consultor, Wbric-Rpérez, C.A., Venezuela

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  • Deploy a Balanced Scorecard in Less Time

    BSC Designer will allow us to deploy our Balanced Scorecard in less time and with an added value.I'm very happy to discover BSC Designer Light. Actually it is a very good product. It has usability features that motivate us to work with it. Personally, I need more training and practice with BSC Designer Light in order to be able to use it effectively, and in a more time efficient way.It was a very good idea to share a free version with users. Thanks to it I had a better idea about Balanced Scorecard and BSC Designer software and it motivates me to ask for the full version of BSC Designer in order to benefit from its additional options.

    Nezha, Financial Manager, CD, Morocco

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  • Linking the Goals to the Strategy with Balanced Scorecard

    We are using the BSC Designer tool to create and manage a balanced scorecard for our department and for linking the goals to the company strategy. BSC Designer is an easy to use tool that makes creating and managing KPIs and strategy maps simple and quick.Having used the PRO version during trial period and the free version I am confident in recommending your product to any company that uses or wants to use a balanced scorecard approach. It is a most useful product!

    Marius van Niekerk, ERP Manager, Itec Holdings, South Africa

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  • Automated Strategic Map Supports Systemic Growth

    Our main aim was to get a product or platform that could help us manage our systemic growth using the Balanced Scorecard. BSC Designer provided us with that platform wherein we could enter all our scorecard information and delegate portions of it out to responsible parties.We found BSC Designer to be one of the few product that was very well organized and well thought out in terms of balanced scorecard implementation.The automated strategic map feature is a tremendous help. The product also allowed us to implement complex aggregations to roll out our scorecards at divisional and corporate level.Having worked with other products in this area, we found BSC designer easy to use and fairly intuitive even for our end user community who are participants in the scorecard adoption.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Manish Malhotra, President, Unissant, Inc., Reston VA, United States

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  • Organize strategy maps and metrics

    Helping our clients to organize strategy and metrics using BSC Designer. Each client develops a Strategic Map. Using the provided wizard we can develop its metrics in an easy and practical way.A great and practical option is to deliver and keep a Balanced Scorecard. We are a consulting firm and use BSC-Designer regularly to help our clients to visualize their strategy and keep control of their vital metrics.BSC-Designer, both desktop and online solutions, are the best applications for our purposes.
    We highly recommend BSC Designer to any small and medium company that want to move forward in the implementation of its strategy in a systemic way.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Hugo Sanchez, President, DAG Consultores, Nicaragua

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  • Create Strategy Map for HR Balanced Scorecard

    I would like to thank you for a good product, which has made my job so easy. I think that this program is easy to work with and is very helpful for creating strategy maps.I especially like the Strategy Map Editor available in the software. I improved my Balanced Scorecard project with it. In my office we are concerned about HR scorecard and I can use BSC Designer to calculate and manage with HR scores. My job task is focused on Strategic Management, and the program makes it so easy! After I've installed BSC designer, and I would like to say that it is a very good program. Thank you again for introducing me to see the great BSC program.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Kongkiat Buranasri, Royal Thai Air Force Academy, Thailand

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  • A strategy map linked to 4 perspectives responds crises

    We are using BSC Designer for restructuring the approach to local response mechanism in crisis prone areas in order to reduce risk and aid affected people.I have started to map out the framework of a strategy map. My role at the present is to propose options for a shift in strategy to position the organization to be more effective in responding to immediate crises and to aid public sector providers in sustaining service in stressful times. The link to the four perspectives is the most valuable insight, enabling me to present strategy options that are meaningful to all interest groups in the organization.

    Banat Temesvar, Advisor, UN, Belgium

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  • Tool to define strategy, communicate it, align resources and efforts, measure progress

    I need BSC Designer as a tool to help us define our strategy, communicate it, align resources and efforts, measure progress and make the necessary adjustments on strategy and/or targets to keep the things on track.We are now in the process of assessing our needs and align them with your product capabilities.In the next step we will have to define our strategy and quantify it in the BSC Designer software, according to the 2011 goals and objectives and taking into account the actual and future internal and external constraints. Strategy maps will be used to communicate the whole picture to the people involved in the strategy implementation. We will define the initiatives, indicators, etc. accordingly and align by these our internal resources.Permanent measurement and communication is a must to be able to make the right adjustments to avoid and correct the deviations and also to adjust the strategy and targets on the fly. My opinion is that all these aspects could be achieved with this software.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Luminita Popescu, Managing Director, Man and Machine RO SRL, Bucharest, Romania

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  • Define the line of action strategy to achieve the mission and vision

    We have defined the following tasks in the software:

    • Construction of the strategic map
    • Identification and definition of strategic indicators in the 4 perspectives.
    • Definition of the strategic management model.
    • Review of ongoing initiatives.
    • Analysis, definition and incorporation of productivity kpis.

    With this tool we have defined the methodology by which the Management of our company we define the line of action strategy to achieve the mission and vision.

    This methodology allows:

    • The definition of strategic objectives.
    • The establishment of relationships between the different strategic objectives.
    • The identification and definition of monitoring indicators that measure the level of compliance with the objectives.
    • The coherence of all resources (human, technical and budget) with the strategic objectives of the company.

    In addition, this program helps us to identify both the key aspects and the operational procedures to be carried out, the activities and departments involved and the tasks to be performed by them.

    Fernando, Director, Esedegal, Spain

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  • BSC Designer Ensures Strategy Implementation

    I am a strategy consultant for blue-chip private sector clients, as well as public sector clients throughout Africa, the Middle East and North America. I utilize the Balanced Scorecard to ensure that clients implement their carefully crafted strategies.We live in an age where data needs to be turned into information which needs to be turned into knowledge and ultimately business intelligence (strategic wisdom).There are numerous Balanced Scorecard software packages around and I have reviewed many of them. I totally enjoy the BSC Designer as it has extensive functionality that provides an easy-to-use and visual method for allocating and viewing all of the key elements required for managing the Balanced Scorecard. Furthermore, it allows you to create excellent dashboards and reports which are crucial in rapidly being able to identify your areas of poor to great performance.I highly recommend BSC Designer to any company or consultant that uses the Balanced Scorecard methodology to ensure strategy implementation and monitoring.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Myles Hopkins, Head of Consulting Qbit, South Africa

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  • Describe the strategy for the next 3-5 years

    I work for company Sonel - a manufacturer of high-quality measuring instruments for power generation and telecommunications sectors. The meters are used to measure:

    • Fault loop resistance and impedance;
    • Insulation resistance;
    • Earth resistance and soil resistivity;
    • Residual current protections;
    • Current, voltageВ.

    At the moment the company is working on the strategy for the next 3-5 years. We have chosen the BSC as the method of building the strategy and naturally are looking for the software or solution which can give us a better control over the preparation, implementation and further monitoring of the strategy itself.

    We think BSC Designer might be the solution we need - it focuses first of all on business indicators which describe the process. It is quite an easy software to learn, however we miss here the presentation of goals that can be easily understood by our employees. It is by far the powerful tool to work on strategy but to present and communicate the issue to the people we need anyway to use a separate software. Maybe a full e-learning course could explain how to use the software fully.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Wojtek Kwiatkowski, SONEL S.A., Poland

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  • Implement and Execute Strategy with BSC Designer

    I started using BSC Designer and find it the most appropriate tool to implement and execute the strategy of our new born company: it is simple, effective, and easy to use. I think that cascading this system to the different levels of the company will show the maximum benefit of the software and will ensure alignment. I am sure that improvements in company's goals will be achieved using this system.

    Sherif Haddara, The Vice Chairman CEO of Ruhrpumpen Egypt, Egypt

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  • Turning Words in Action with the Balanced Scorecard

    We are using Balanced Scorecard, dashboards and KPIs for consulting, training and educations for latam companies.The planning process does not end when the company decides what strategy or strategies to follow. One must transform the strategy into action. This translation is much simpler if managers and employees understand the business, feels part of the company, and through the involvement in the formulation of it, it helps the company to be successful.Deployments affect the organization from the top to the bottom, and impact on all areas, functional and divisional. The implementation phase is the key. However, it is easier to say than to do.Implement the strategy is the act of turning words in action. It is the ability to manage people and resources to achieve the objectives outlined above. This step is so important that, even though, an excellent strategy had been made, poor implementation could put you at risk.The techniques and control systems are essentially the same, either to control production processes, administrative procedures, quality of a product or other. The faster deviations are detected, more easily and cheaply and corrective actions can be taken. That is why the importance of measuring, from the beginning, any type of process is necessary.Planning and control are increasingly treated as an interrelated system. Performance is, theoretically, a multidimensional variable that expresses the degree of success or failure of an entity in relation to another or, itself at an earlier time.
    The wider and more comprehensive set of performance indicators show the better part of the process of monitoring and control the business, and consequently, have a better capacity to respond to the challenges of a competitive environment. The BSC is the answer to it.Conclusions

    • Management needs measurements. In order to measure, it must be quantified, and hence, the importance of the Scorecards.
    • It's much better to evaluate the organization's performance from other perspectives beyond the financial ones. It has its benefits.
    • Those perspectives should be balanced. Balanced between financial and non-financial indicators, between the short and long term.
    • BSC Designer offers all of those benefits, and is a suitable software tool that facilitates the construction of reports and professional presentations turns management into a practice of excellence.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Sergio D. Salimbeni, Eng, MBA, PhD, Administration Professor in Strategic Management at Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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  • Easy and Rapid Design of Balanced Scorecard

    I do appreciate finding this product on the market as it helps me to design in an easy and rapid manner some BSC for client. The balanced scorecard tree and the strategy map are designed very quickly; the product is able to merge several indicators under categories and to develop a multi-level BSC.Targets, weights and stop lights are flexible and the predefined representations are very expressive for my clients. At the end, the reports are automated and the import/export functions give me a lot of ways to proceed.I do particularly like the export to html that gives me the opportunity to publish reports on Intranet sites. BSC Designer is a simple and powerful tool that responds exactly to my demand.BSC Designer helped me to design some prototypes for clients even if I have developed my own system for BSC and reports over Excel

    Check out LinkedIn profile Sylvie Landreau, Expert in Performance Management Consulting, CSC, France

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  • Measuring performance rather than effort

    We use BSC Designer for measuring performance rather than effort. It has been a challenge in our small consulting firm.BSC Designer has allowed us to evaluate results in more than one way. Now we can reward efforts that we are sure are creating the desired results. Our staff feels comfortable with their new KPIs and haven been motivated individually and as a team as a result of the implementation of the BSC software solution.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Margaret Abbott, Director, Abbott Consulting & Training, Honduras

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  • Improve business performance with Balanced Scorecard

    The SA Army has made a decision to implement the BSC Designer as a strategy tool in order to improve business performance. Typical tasks will include designing of a strategy map, defining objectives, defining measures and controlling implementation using easy to follow dashboards.We have a very good experience with BSC Designer, as this instrument can facilitate the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard in our unit.We have been trying to design a MS Excel spreadsheet but this approach proved to be more difficult than anticipated. BSC Designer, therefore, is very welcome attempt at an electronic version of the Balanced Scorecard.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Pierre de Montfort, Second-in-command, SA Army ADA School, Kimberley, South Africa

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  • An overarching view of the performance with strategic plan

    We use BSC Designer to measure project performance relative to the overall strategic plan.BSC Designer is simple and easy to use. It provides an invaluable overarching view of the performance levels at any point in time. It gives management a snapshot of the organization's performance in pursuit of the strategic goals thereby allowing management to make informed decisions regarding corrective, mitigation, or evasive actions.IIS is an IT Consulting Company that is providing quality products in software application technology. We are committed in delivering products and service that meet customer's needs. We have embarked on an exercise of quality improvements strategy by implementing ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System standards. IIS recruits highly skilled, experienced professionals with a wide range of technology platforms and knowledge of best practices.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Itai Mabveni, Informatix Industry Services (IIS), South Africa

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  • Successful Balanced Scorecard Has Linkage Between Measures and Performance

    Currently I am trying to find a set of measurements focusing on teachers' performance in engineering institutions.BSC Designer has an excellent graphical user interface. I personally feel that there should more free training offered for the product. As it can be easily figured out that the product is good, but how one can really use it if there is no sufficient training. Kindly, make the video training offers through widely accepted media such as You Tube, Your Own Blogs, etc.The ultimate success of a change strategy depends greatly on how the change is introduced and implemented, rather than on the merit of the strategy itself. Successful development and utilization of balance scorecards, key performance indicators in the workplace is identified by the presence or absence of linkage between measures and performance apart from reporting.Reporting performance is an art, where BSC Designer is playing important role by providing various BSC reports in different formats. I personally feel that product can be very useful for both the new comer to the field and for the experts as well.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Dr S. Pavan Kumar, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, India

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  • Measuring Company Performance with KPIs and Balanced Scorecard

    I'll be using the BSC Designer Pro tool to build an alignment of the vision, clarify strategic objectives, and identify the organization's critical vectors.In corporate governance, the traditional ways of measuring performance always pointed to financial and operational indicators, not allowing that other perspectives measurement could be taken. The Balanced Score Card enables the quantification of intangible aspects, such as information, people and culture, within an organization.This system provides the company's senior management with a wide, and at the same time, immediate comprehensive view. The Balanced Score Card provides an evaluation that includes also the results of past actions, future performance driving through three sets of operational indicators that are related to customer satisfaction, with internal processes, and gives you the ability to learn and improve.In other words, the BSC indicates the knowledge, skills and systems that employees need to innovate and develop the right strategic capabilities and efficiencies that can provide specific value to the market, which ultimately results in a greater value for shareholders.This revolutionized key performance indicator system, has led many companies to adopt the system for over two decades now, and they have made use of it not only as a measurement system, but went much more ahead, and they began to adopt it as a strategic management system.With the implementation of Balanced Score Card in 1992, Kaplan and Norton returned to the theme again and again, perfecting important methodological contribution to the strategic alignment of business. Their methods help managers to maintain control over complexity. That characterizes it as a truly revolutionary method.With great skill the BSC Designer Team is also collaborating with this evolution, by developing a custom made tools, so that businessmen can materialize and practice Kaplan and Norton's revolution.If on one hand the evolution of this extraordinary concept, created by two authorities on the area is Must Required Reading, on the other hand, the practical application of this method is possible via a software that will help the entrepreneur interested in innovative tools for measuring the companies' performance, and the implementation of their strategies. They are helping to improve management!

    Miguel Correa de Barros de Mello Mattos, Foreign Trade Expert, MBM International, Brazil

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  • Track the Performance and Communicate Results for Clients

    After a thorough and extensive process of selection and after seeing a lot of international and national providers for a Balanced Scorecard tool, we have decided for using BSC Designer PRO. We found it by chance and have been performing extensive trials and we have found a powerful yet easy to use tool that matches our requirements at an affordable price.Is the only tool that we have seen that matches our needs at full. The dashboards are flexible, comprehensible and surprisingly friendly to use. The result graphics are useful and the HTML reports are great to track the performance of our organization and to communicate results for clients and stakeholders. In addition they have been really supportive and a great help in our testing period. We would gladly participate to help develop BSC Designer to a higher stage.Thank you very much, it is a powerful tool that will help us to meet our goals.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Camilo Vergara, Operational Manager at Grupo Spira (Bogotá), Colombia

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  • Monitoring and Progress Tracking with BSC for Change Management

    After setting up business processes for accounting software implementation, there is often a need to monitor staff & software performance. Implementing BSC KPIs surely did the job.Before BSC Designer came up, I have always encountered organizations implementing old and setting up new business processes. The intention is to make the business unit (say Accounting Department) perform as a cohesive unit.Unfortunately, people tend to go back to their comfort zones and go off track. As a result delivery time (of reports) to internal customers have not significantly improved or did not improve at all. Change management had its limitations so the performance had to be constantly monitored.

    GB Porter, Software Implementation Consultant, Lapulapu City, Philippines

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  • Automate Scorecards with BSC Designer

    I have been trying to figure out how to automate scorecards. I learned about this product and decided to use and implement this software for trial.It gave brilliant results and I would opt for the professional edition in the future. I suggest managers to use BSC Designer software - it will optimize your time and perform good results.

    Mark Mifcom, M&M Import/Export, San Diego, CA, United States

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  • Choose Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Application

    In the meantime and prior to taking a final decision on what BSC application to adopt, it was decided that colleagues will, by way of benchmarking, look into other software applications available on the market... Initially, 32 software applications had been suggested for benchmarking, but later they were short-listed to 12...To make sure a software application meets our needs, 16 criteria have been used in doing the benchmarking. On the basis of the following criteria: cost, interface language, upgrading, customization, and training, the subcommittee decided to opt for BSC Designer for its multiple-language feature and cost-effectiveness...

    Check the full text in "Strategic Planning: The Quest for a Balanced Scorecard".

    "Perspectives" Volume VI, Issue 1, April 2009

    Abderrahim Agnaou, Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane (AUI), Morocco

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  • Visually Appealing, Impact-full Balanced Scorecard Software

    We are hoping to create a business environment for our company that is well controlled, easy to manage and fun to operate.We have found that:(a) The amount of support given by your technical department is excellent, almost to a flaw. The response time is generally good and feedback is effective,(b) Functionality of BSC Designer product is logical, and fairly easy to understand,(c) Add-ons such as dashboards etc. are visually appealing, impact-full, and relevant.The training guides, various links, tutorials and so on are useful and assist in the overall understanding of the product. The marketing of the product is good and access to your various websites is easy.Purchasing of the product is relatively hassle free, efficient and non-threatening. We were pleasantly surprised by the quick response time following our purchase and will not hesitate to recommend your product to other interested parties.We are still at the early implementation stage and will be in a better position to comment further on your product when we have had more experience in its use.

    Roy Travers, Managing Director, Talent Consulting, Harare, Zimbabwe

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  • An Excellent Tool to Handle Strategic Data

    In the first step, I used BSC Designer to handle some strategic data in my IT-Department (money, user, availability, development). When I'm more firm using the tool, I would like to introduce it to our financial department for their needs.Being new to BSC, I was surprised by the easy handling of BSC Designer. Even for a newbie like me, it helped me to understand rapidly, not only how the product works, but to apply the concept of the BSC.For until now, I have mostly 'played' with the program enough to derive what advantages it will give to me, and for the moment I'm more than satisfied with the feedback I get from the program. I'm rather sure that BSC Designer will even become a daily tool for me.

    Robert, IT-Manager, Gemeinde Wettringen, Germany

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  • Balanced Scorecard Software Organizes Important Material

    We use the Balanced Scorecard concept in our marketing project. Particularly, it includes KPIs for supply accountability, and KPIs for hygiene accountability. Our current business objective is formulated as increase lines of business to increase production.I have used the Balanced Scorecard concept without software and there is a lot of material to keep track of.The software makes it easier to keep it all in one place and organized. I just need to know more about what the software can do and how it works. I am just not that familiar with it yet.

    Kent Haynes, Pres, Durango co, , United States

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  • Implement Balanced Scorecard Concept with BSC Designer

    I was looking for a user-friendly BSC software to be able to support my assignment to implement the BSC concept for my clients. After trying to use BSC Designer, I found out that it's truly an amazing and useful tool.I'm going to introduce your software to my clients, as well as showing your website to them for learning the more advanced BSC program.

    B.P. Kusumo Bintoro, Independent Management Consultant, Jakarta, Indonesia

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  • Easy Dashboard, Summary of Initiatives

    I work as a consultant, applying BSC concepts, your tool would be a very welcome addition supporting my efforts.I have not applied yet at any of my clients' environment. However trying it while using sample data demonstrated to me that it can greatly assist in applying the BSC concepts and providing the management with a simple and easy to read dashboards and charts summarizing the status of their initiatives.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Imad Jomaa, General Manager, Pillar Total Solutions, Beirut, Middle East

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  • Accelerate the Implementation of the Balanced Scorecard

    I will be using BCS Designer within my team to build the Balanced Scorecard for the measurement of the performance of some of our programs. The product allows relating measurements to our corporate goals. I'm going to use BSC Designer for the self-evaluation based on my own life goals as well.

    D. Gaudet, Principal Consultant, CA Technologies, Islandia, NY, United States

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  • Strategy Planning Software Helps Implement Balanced Scorecard

    I was looking for a software for strategical planning for the company where I work, therefore we are looking for a way to implement the Balanced Scorecard.I found the BSC Designer, which is a very practical software with excellent functionality. I am still testing some functions, but I can already confirm that it is going to adjust itself perfectly to what I am looking for.Only recently I have started to use your solution and every time I use it, I learn something new about the program.

    • Getting additional training has been critical to get the value out of BSC Designer PRO.

    Also, I was considering if I needed to get some training on Balanced Scorecard or not, but after purchasing some eTraining material I can say that it has been beneficial to increase my productivity on the use of Balanced Scorecard and BSC Designer PRO. The BSC Toolkit is also a product that needs to be considered.

    BSC Designer needs to be considered by any organisations that is looking for adopting balanced scorecards. It will help to accelerate the implementation of the balanced scorecard methodology in your environment.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Fernando Latterza, Analyst of Strategical Planning at Grupo SBF, Brazil

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  • Structure Data for Implementation of Balanced Scorecard

    Working in education area I plan to apply BSC Designer to structure the data that I have collected for implementation of the BSC process. The program helps me in sharpening my measurement tools.
    From the first user experience, the interface looks rather intuitive and is able to allow the user to know his/her way around easily. Also, it does not require complicated installation, unlike some BSC software in the market.

    Ivan Lim, Blurmath Tuition Company, Singapore

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  • Easy to Use Balanced Scorecard and KPIs Software

    We are using BSC Designer for linking strategy and corporate goals to KPIs and for measuring the performance of divisions and the company as a whole.So far I'm still trying the product. It looks promising, but I need further information and training to be able to implement it in the company.

    • I've seen other products, but this one looks easier and it is more straight forward.

    I like the idea that it uses Excel, as we all have plenty of experience using it instead of using a new product that requires training and attached to a company that might increase the cost dramatically.

    Abdullah A., Operations Manager & Commercial Controlling, Saudi Airlines, Saudi Arabia

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  • Easy to Use Because It Uses a Rational and Simple Logic

    It has been useful for controlling the goals of the people. Show to the stakeholders the results.The product is excellent and integrates diverse areas of the company to the same objective.
    We can control the KPI of the company and see the status of the projects.

    • The product helps us to have a clearer view on how our goals are achieved and accompanies them during the project period.
    • It helps to align the team to know the current status of the projects, if they are late, on time or already achieved.
    • We can send the file to anyone who can update the information and let everyone stay informed of any developments.

    The program is easy to use because it uses a rational and simple logic. Just follow the sequence so that the person filling out the fields with the information can do so. This is important because it enables access to people who do not have much knowledge of computers.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Tiago Nascimento, Director, Ocean Industria Quimica, Brazil

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  • KPI Reporting and Controlling with BSC Designer

    BSC Designer is the perfect tool for KPI reporting and controlling according to the Balanced Scorecard method.Compared to the alternatives it offers a simple control, a user friendly interface, and graphically good looking reports that may be exported into Excel or HTML, furthermore it's possible in this program to organize own KPI in their own categories and structure, including weight assignment very simply.

    Martin Horký, Quality Manager at Karsit Holding Ltd., Czech Republic

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  • Controlling Productivity of Sales Managers with KPIs

    The main tasks that I'm solving with the help of BSC Designer are controlling productivity and KPI of our sales managers controlling productivity of SMM managers.
    I'm really thankful for such a good decision to control the efficiency of our company's sales managers. This KPI control software helps me to see the picture of people's productivity in a very simple way.What I like most of all, is that I can see the productivity in different ways: graphics, numbers, percentage and so on. Also I can export data to Excel files, so our stuff can get the data and understand how efficient they are and in what fields exactly they need to work more. This gave us an objective view.

    Roman R., CEO, AdLaim, Perm, Russia

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  • Creation of the Balanced Scorecard for the Bank

    We use BSC Designer for creation of the Balanced Scorecard for the bank. I proposed Balanced Scorecard for an implementation using this software to demonstrate its usefulness.I think the product is good, I particularly appreciate the support that is available during the design process of the scorecard.

    • The software is also quite user-friendly, making it possible to easily follow through the required steps in the design process.

    The tabs are separated according to various tasks of the BSC like the strategy map, KPI's, etc so one does not get completely lost and is able to make sense of where he is.

    Mizimo, Credit Manager, XYZ Bank Zambia plc, Zambia

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  • Reporting Critical Business Indicators

    We took the challenge of using BSC Designer at our Balanced Scorecard implementation project in Lithuania. As a tool relatively easy to operate and convenient for practical realization, it helped our customers to develop efficient scorecards and as a result improve their business performance. BSC Designer helped us to realize BSC implementation project for a multi-site NGO in Lithuania.BSC Designer gave us a solution reporting critical business indicators on a local site level. BSC Designer is directly addressing the business needs and management challenges our customer is facing.By integrating BSC Designer and ISO based management systems IRS Consulting will be able to link business performance indicators to processes. The main goal of our client is to reduce costs and commit local employees to come up with suggestions for improvement.At our BSC implementation project small internal group developed a strategy map based on the data needed in order to make comparable reports and discuss managerial questions. For each success criteria some performance indicators were defined and the setup was launched.It became clear to us that the management information system needed to be much more flexible than a data warehouse and that is one of the reasons why we chose BSC Designer.BSC Designer is a very flexible system which allows the top management to follow up on all the defined indicators continuously. It has web-based service and therefore easy to implement and deploy. In addition the balanced scorecard system makes it possible for the management to see all performances of the departments at a glance.This BSC implementation process with BSC Designer had a very positive influence on the implementation gaining commitment from everyone and adding transparency to it. In order to make BSC project as successful to the regional managers as it is at a corporate level, our customer is currently considering also developing more strategic scorecards for central and local business development purposes, ensuring the alignment of all initiatives with the strategy of the organization.

    Andrejus Kaleinikovas, Managing Partner of IRS Consulting, Lithuania

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  • Combining Strategic Single Values

    We use BSC Designer to manage strategic and operational KPIs. These indicators are updated weekly, monthly and yearly. We plan to use the software for the evaluation of single values as well.We are evaluating BSC Designer and if it fits our needs we are going to implement it into our business processes.The first goal is to transfer the balanced scorecard that we have now in an Excel file to the BSC software. The complicated part may be to create single indicators that will incorporate the aggregated values of other KPIs. For example, in Excel I can consolidate values from different lines by summarizing them and I have to see how to do this with BSC Designer.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Pablo Avegno, Systems Manager, Ventalum, Argentina

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  • Building Overall Index to Measure Supply Chain Performance

    We used BSC Designer to build an overall index to measure the Supply Chain department performance. There must be an option to use the weight factor.I was searching for a tool, which would help me to build an overall index for Supply Chain department performance.BSC Designer seems to be the right tool - easy to use and also to share with others. So far, I was trying to prepare something similar in MS Excel, however it was too complicated to update with new data. I will see if your BSC Designer will satisfy all of my needs.

    Jiri Kratochvil, Manager Supply Chain Projects, PMI, Czech Republic

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  • Determine the Impact of Intervention Factors on the Finance

    BSC Designer product gives us the possibility to determine the impact of intervention factors on the financial results.BSC Designer is very easy to use and creates possibilities to determine the reciprocal influence of several factors on the total result of an organization.For us as consultants, BSC Designer is a very important tool to give insights in complex business situations. We can measure the impact of our interventions on the end results.

    Roger Jean, Principal consultant, WATCH-Consultancy, Netherlands

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  • Manage Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) with BSC Designer

    We use the software to control major indicators that will allows us to solve the development of a very specific software as efficiently as possible.First we identified the major indicators associated with our activity. A risk analysis was conducted for each aspect very carefully. Then we have selected the more critical and relevant ones in order to fill our foreseen Balanced Scorecard.At this stage, I decided to try BSC Designer Light software. I found it quite easy to use. First I entered the indicators data selected before. Software provided various ways to manage and display ongoing activities. Certainly, will I continue to use BSC Designer.

    Berset, Project manager, GoldenTech, Switzerland

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  • BSC Designer Applies the Methodology of Norton and Kaplan in a User-Friendly Manner

    I was searching for a BSC tool to help me manage the Balanced Scorecard methodology of Kaplan and Norton in an easy manner at a fair cost. I expected to find a software application that could help to establish my strategy, as well as to follow it, record it, measure and compare it along the time and then solve the common problem of spreading it around in the organization. It happens very frequently that the managerial board has a very clear understanding of the goals and metrics, but the other levels do not.I have not found any open source BSC software that work according to my requirements. I was looking for a software that can integrate with our ERP system, which is another managerial software used in our business. I’ve considered goal tracking tools as well, but I needed something centered more on strategic planning rather than simple tracking.Finally, I stopped on the BSC Designer. The BSC Designer price is very fair. The main advantage that I found is that BSC Designer applies the methodology of Norton and Kaplan in a very user-friendly manner. There are not many software products for the Balanced Scorecard in the market, and BSC Designer developers included the best practices into their software.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Jorge Luis Reyes, CEO, 2Realpeople Solutions SA de CV, Mexico City, Mexico

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  • Business Risk Management with the Balanced Scorecard

    We are using BSC Designer for the business risk hazard management relating to to all occupational health, safety and environmental.Having used the program, I was pleasantly surprised as to how versatile the product was and how relevant to the intended context it was trialed for.My associates have been looking for a product to suit the manufacturing component of the business and may consider looking at the program in more depth in the near future.

    Mr. Tony Barnes, Senior HSE Advisor, Saizeriya Australia, Melton, Australia

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  • Teaching BSC concepts with your products has been very easy

    BSC Designer is used internally for ISO 9001 2008 improvement control and quality. Also, training in BSC applications is held at the San Pedro Sula University Management School.I have found your product to be the best in the market for various reasons:1) Pricing and Availability
    2) Friendly approach and support
    3) Language possibilitiesTeaching BSC concepts with your products has been very easy since you have been able to present a product that can be used at various levels of complexity.

    Margaret Abbott, Director, Abbott Consulting & Training (ACT), San Pedro Sula, Honduras

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  • Develop quantifiable indicators for chosen perspectives

    I teach computer security and information assurance at a community college. As part of our program, I engage our students in free consulting projects with non-profit organizations, usually local governments in the area, with the objective of having the students conduct risk assessments and develop continuity/recovery plans. A major issue in preparing and presenting plans is clarifying the linkage between plans and action – answering the ‘what do we need to do to get this done’ question.The BSC Designer tool is designed so that my students can quickly grasp the concepts of the BSC process, develop quantifiable indicators for their chosen perspectives. Going forward, our plan is to use the Professional version to develop strategy maps that will allow us to give our clients a roadmap on how to implement the recommendations, thereby increasing the value of the experience to both students and the local government.I chose BSC Designer because of its ease of use, clear graphical interface, excellent customer support, and not least, its cost.

    Thomas Foss, Community college professor, United States

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  • Teaching Balanced Scorecard course with BSC Designer

    I suggested using BSC Designer software in a government organization for measuring and reporting of KPIs and the Balanced Scorecard.I think BSC Designer Light edition that I've tried is a very simple tool. It allows starting with KPI management, but the number of functions in a free edition is limited. Highly desirable that this version would allow the issuance of a report and a graph. Even if they were simple, it would allow generating information for distribution to others.I suggest evaluating the software for use in our government institution. They might choose the Standard or Professional version. I am also involved in the academic area, the BSC Designer Light edition with more functions would be very useful.

    Alberto Torres, Project Management, UAEM, Toluca, Mexico

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  • Introduction to Balanced Scorecard setup and functions

    Features set, friendliness, ease of use as well as accuracy, data migration and reporting represented in a consistent, accurate and understandable manner.BSC Designer is an excellent program that serves as a brilliant introduction to the electronic BSC environment. To download and test drive this piece of software would without a doubt be in the interest of the end-user.BSC Designer also addresses most of the questions novices might have about BSC setup and operational intricacies. This program is very easy to use and both novices and expert users alike will almost immediately feel at home using this program.

    Dr L A Moses, Health care Manager, SpesNet Limited, Centurion, South Africa

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  • BSC Designer facilitates visual understanding of the performance management

    We use BSC Designer for education and promotion of the Balanced Scorecard approach within strategical, organizational and basic IT needs.I personally think that BSC Designer is a good product, mostly to learn and propose to potential clients the approach of the Balanced Scorecard.Within this framework clients and managers may have a visual understanding of performance management; the free version is very good for demo and proposal, the paid version allow more in terms of deployment of performance management systems, therefore in an IT perspective.These tools do not require IT expertise but provides a correct methodological approach, can help to move from approach to implementation of NORTON/KAPLAN ideas.As a matter of fact the most difficult aspect of BSC approach is to help customers to properly translate their intuition into a strategical plan that eventually will become an operative plan with KPI and hopefully a BSC.

    Yeshi N., Consultant, HEXAGON, Italy

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  • Present University Balanced Scorecard with PowerPoint Slides

    We have been asked to show our performance on the BSC. We have our strategic plan and I used your BSC Designer to review our performance at our end first. Our university has a different BSC software, but I used BSC Designer at the departmental level.Initially, it was not very clear. I tried putting in our initiatives and their KPIs, but could not interpret the results myself. Later, I used a few solved examples and learned a few things. By that time, the trial period had expired. I think the initial results produced were quite appealing to my seniors as they had not seen the results of any BSC software earlier. This presentation produced from BSC Designer made people believe that I was an expert in BSC which is a good sign for my future. It has also increased my interest in using software for BSC. My thanks to the developers.

    Dr Usmani, Consultant, Deanship of Quality King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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  • Model strategy implementation

    This product is particularly effective for modeling and managing of a portfolio and projects. It demonstrates the successful way of management strategy implementation.The analytic method for evaluating projects is the objective evidence of successful management of expectations at all levels of a business organization. I hope to present my students a successful product for their future work as project leaders and managers in the IT business. In turn, they can develop their relation to the modeling and evaluation of the business environment.

    Ivelin Stefanov, Assistant Professor, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria

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  • Use BSC Designer to Create Your Own BSC Models

    My task is the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard. One can use BSC Designer to create his own BSC models.BSC Designer is an easy to use tool, that gives visually accurate information. You can create and browse your models of BSC without any complications and facilitates the use of key indicators. I think that is also very intuitive when data is needed to be exported or imported.

    Wilfredo Briceńo, Director Consultor de Wbric-Rpérez, C.A., Venezuela

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  • Using BSC Designer to Model and Develop Business Strategies

    I am working on software and hardware application development and tried BSC Designer for checking out special scenarios for project development and controlling.After checking the BSC Designer Light version, I downloaded the BSC Designer PRO trial-version because of its additional features.The graphical interface improves the interactive modeling of business processes. Especially the possibility to manipulate values and to see the results immediately makes BSC Designer a 'creative' tool. The software has an excellent functionality for developing strategies, modeling the underlying processes and checking out the consequences of changes under specific conditions.Applying BSC Designer to project data with known results allows a realistic estimation of the relationships between conditions given for processes in the past and achieved results. Based on such 'success patterns' BSC Designer improves the modeling of expected results for future strategies depending on given conditions.BSC Designer is an easy-to-use tool for planning and prototyping business strategies under respect of context dependent influences. Different scenarios can easily be prototyped by using BSC Designer's category-indicator structure and its weighting mechanisms. Using BSC Designer as web-based service makes it possible to show all participants of a project the performances of business processes at a glance.I hope to convince colleagues to use BSC Designer to improve our job with it and to implement the BSC approach in our company.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Dr. Udo Mattusch, Senior Developer at Umanet, Cologne, Germany

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  • Balanced Scorecard in Virtual Management Training

    My core business is consulting in simulation processes, mainly in mining, and a second field is the use of the models for virtual management training. For these reasons I have developed the Virtual Enterprise product.The system architecture includes:

    • Analysis of production processes: In this module, participants can analyze production processes by simulating different scenarios and evaluate decisions made in order to improve production performance.
    • Automating administrative processes: Participants can be organized by different teams and communicate each others through a workflow platform, and modifying the input data of the simulation model.
    • Integrated control panel: With all data generated by the simulator and also by the decision made through the collaborative system, the whole data base is accessed by a BSC system in order to generate the performance."

    Sergio Valenzuela Mayer, Consultora SVM y Cía Ltda, Chile

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  • Balanced Scorecard Helps to Follow Personal Goals

    Being active in the business world as a consultant and tutor, I work especially on issues of project based organizations.Actually, I am currently engaged with the strategic planning and implementation in our company based on BSC system. We are going to see this system as a new field in our company services. As for the tool, it impressed me so much.

    • When I saw the BSC Designer Light edition I have applied this technique to my personal life!

    Actually by applying this software in my life I feel more enthusiastic to follow my personal goals and I think it could be a good appetizer to make your life change. As you know one of the key success factors in achieving personal goals is to make them tangible and BSC Designer will do that for you.

    Ruhollah Ashrafian, MBA, Rahbaran System Rastak Consulting Company, Middle East

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  • Planning and Solving Personal Goals with Balanced Scorecard

    I'm solving both personal goals for 2010 and some basic professional scorecard tasks with your product.BSC Designer is definitely a user friendly program, it is not only serving what you request, but at the same time, directing you to more details that you need to have on a scorecard.For those who know about Balanced Scorecard the program will provide all necessary means to maintain their scorecard projects. These who are looking to start a scorecard project will also achieve satisfying results quickly with this software.

    Haluk, Project Manager, HMK, Turkey

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  • Create strategy, set goals, targets and KPIs

    We are a small company, but we need to manage our performance as well. We needed to set goals and KPIs to monitor, evaluate, review, and manage them using a powerful tool. We are a consulting company in Northern Greece and the BSC Designer software gives to our company an opportunity to offer a new product to the Greek market, where these kinds of tools are missing.It is an easy and friendly to use software that gives the opportunity to small and medium companies to use a powerful tool for managing their performance. Also it gives them the ability to create their strategy easily, and to set goals, connect them with their business target and KPIs, and finally to manage them. The diagrams and the dashboard give a fast overview of the results and indicate the fields of interest.

    George Mademlis, Managing Director, Target BS, Greece

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  • Implementing company’s strategy and creating the key performance Indicators

    BSC Designer helps with the implementing of my company's strategy and creating the key performance indicators in a professional way.I am trying to understand BSC via the BSC Designer. It seemed to me that I can learn from BSC Designer more than what I have studied in different costly courses. It seems the product is easy to use, lucid and I can recommend it to anyone who is interested in knowing more about planning strategy.

    Abdula Ali, Sales Director, MIC, Saudi Arabia

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  • Investing Company Uses BSC Designer to Visually Track Performance and Quality

    I like BSC Designer because it is very flexible and lets me import data from my own database, also I can link it to my internally developed applications, customize reports and communications. This allows us to operate in real time over the web, collaborating with my people and the managers of companies where we have invested, in such a manner that our communication is very effective since we deal with whatever is important, saving us time and resources.Our business is financial and commercial services, we are investing in a company that sells consumer electronics and credit to government employees and collects payments via payroll discounts.We plan to develop the entire BSC for the parent organization from the board to the end employee and link our invested projects (subsidiaries) to it to visually track performance and quality, and report in real time to our associated investors.Also with BSC Designer we have reports instantly prepared for the strategic management level, as well as for the operations, and this allows us to quickly react and adapt to any given situation.

    Ricardo Zea Grayeb, CFG SAPI DE CV, Xalapa, Mexico

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  • Spain manufacture manages strategic plans, KPIs and initiatives with BSC Designer

    We use BSC Designer to manage our strategic plans, indicators and initiatives. Also we want to use it in the near future to manage quality and environmental indicators and use it as a tool for variable retribution matrix evaluation.After testing some independent BSC solutions of the market, we decide to use BSC Designer because is easy to start and maintain, it is really easy to input data and the software is very intuitive. It helps us to turns our data into knowledge. It provides almost all means that we need to manage our strategic plans and probably, in the near future, all our management indicators. It is the best price/quality choice in the market.

    Javier Peñate, Operations manager of DCM, Diseño y construcción de maquinaria automatizada S.L., Spain

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  • A great tool to control strategy execution

    We are on the stage of building new strategy of the bank using BSC and KPIs.Seems like BSC Designer is a great instrument to build up strategy, control execution and involve all team into realization of vision. All necessary steps are described. Maps and dashboards let us visualize strategy in a clean understandable picture. Navigation is very intuitive and clear. Would be very interesting to try your software in strategy building and implementation processes.

    Elnur Hasan, CFO, Bank Respublika, Azerbaijan

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  • BSC Designer Unifies Goals to Develop Business Strategy

    With BSC Designer I would like to summarize the tasks required to address the planning and control of the operations of the company for the next year.BSC Designer is great tool to start implementing the Norton & Kaplan Balanced Scorecard with a more sophisticated approach than an Excel spreadsheet. With this tool I can go looking for problems to solve and use the tool to try to measure the progress of corrective actions.It is a very powerful tool to look at from different perspectives. The functionality of this software is very good for developing strategies. I work in a SME Construction company that is growing very fast and nowadays does not have an explicit strategy for next year. I think that the BSC Designer is going to help unify the goals of all divisions of the company for the next year in a joint strategy to help the owner to manage the company more efficiently.I'm really excited that BSC Designer will help me simplify my task of controller through monitoring of key indicators (KPIs).

    Eduardo Moroni, Controller, Ashoka Construcciones SA, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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  • An Educational Startup Tracking KPIs

    An educational start-up called Personal Vestibulares, specializing in personalized preparation for top Brazilian universities, used BSC Designer to manage KPIs to track efficient learning. As a result of the implementation of BSC Designer, a shorter problem identification-analysis-solution cycle was achieved.BSC Designer makes it easy to input and analyze data. That forces the discipline of all accountable managers not to lose track of desirable results.The software helped managers to be focused on the strategy, e.g. review, and be able to improve it regularly. The cause-and-effect logic on the strategy map helped to:

    • Understand the reasons of the cases when the desired results were not achieved,
    • Find improvement points, and
    • Redefine the communication of the team.

    After the implementation of BSC Designer the company could improve the response speed to the problems by two times. In the cases when something was not working, projects were not executed as expected, or when some team was losing the focus on the project, the software helped us to see problem on the level of performance data and fix it in an early stage.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Gustavo Yolle, CEO, Personal Vestibulares, São Paulo, Brazil

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  • It looks complex, but with the use of the functionalities it becomes easier to use

    Excellent strategic planning tool based on Balanced Scorecard (BSC).At first glance, everything seems complex and confusing, but with continued use of the features, I believe it becomes easier to use.

    Check out LinkedIn profile Carlos Curty, Curty Consultoria, Brazil

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  • BSC Designer software supports the Balanced Scorecard in Concept Italia

    In Concept Italia business support to the top management is provided by the Finance and Control Department. Top Manager expresses the business goals of the company to people who work in this department and they convert these goals into indications mainly for the middle management.To make this work they also use some software tools both for office automation (like Microsoft Power Point and Microsoft Excel) and for Balanced Scorecard (BSC Designer).Currently the implementation is at top management level, where the managers use the results given by the system to evaluate what the level of achievement of business goals is.The input of the datafor the Balanced Scorecard is prepared inside the Finance and Control department by two controllers, according to business goals expressed by top managers. The results obtained from BSC Designer are then used to prepare reports that then are sent to top managers. These reports are then used by top managers to make further decisions.

    Balanced Scorecard is used for internal processes. The company use it for customer satisfaction analysis together with KPIs related to customer satisfaction to improve customer assistance.

    Isotta Rossi, Program Manager, Roma, Italy, Italy

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  • Very good product for the universities to manage their strategic plan

    Very easy-to-use interfaces. Logical interconnection between system operations. The dashboard is interactive and easy to use. It provides very distinct explanatory videos.BSC Designer organized our strategic plan, helped us to monitor the KPIs and generated the required reports.

    Mohammad A., Dar Al Uloom University, Saudi Arabia

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  • A good tool for both companies and education!

    It is intuitive but powerful in implementing and monitoring a company's strategy. Usually, the biggest challenge for companies is to keep the BSC functioning regularly, and this tool is fundamental in achieving that goal. Furthermore, the available explanatory videos benefit the initial contact with the software.Nothing to complain about except for the fact that it is not free. However, like any other company, it needs funds to grow and develop its product.It guides companies in developing the BSC, including the necessary steps to create it, the automatic construction of the strategic map, assistance in breaking down strategic objectives into specific ones and monitoring progress with indicators. Therefore, even those less familiar with the subject can assemble and maintain the BSC.

    Rosa N., Coimbra Business School, Portugal

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  • Simple and powerful

    BSC Designer is a very helpful tool for mapping and tracking Balanced Scorecards. It has all the necessary features for simple to complex BSC structures and great display tools for visualizing data.Some features are redundant and can be confusing at firstPlanning for a simple strategic tool to monitor the deployment of an NGO program.

    Dimitri S., Maia Consulting, Switzerland

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  • Makes developing and maintaining a balance scorecard fluid and easy

    It is simple to use, and it makes the process of developing and maintaining a balance scorecard fluid and easy.The interface can get somewhat confusing, especially for first-time users.Designing balance score cards in MS Excel can get pretty rigid and difficult to navigate, especially in terms of continuous update, and progress tracking. BSC Designer solves that.

    Timilehin O., Brickstone, Nigeria

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  • Using BSC Designer for strategy formulation and implementation

    The platform helps to articulate a balance scorecard in a very good way and develop a good connection between core strategies, mission and vision statements, and set strategic goals.One of the standout features is the strategy maps. The platform automatically creates visually appealing and comprehensive strategy maps. We have been able to present complex strategies on a single page. It has helped immensely in communicating strategies effectively to clients.The User Interface and Experience can be improved in some areas, for example in complex strategies for linking top-level strategy goals to multiple area objectives and a broad range of different activities.

    Shivam G., Eupnea, United Kingdom

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  • Powerful tool for creating a BSC with KPIs, strategies, reporting and analysis

    Easy to use intuitive tool; easy to learn the basics, built your own balanced score card and KPI's. The instruction videos are very helpful and easy to understand. The customer support is very good; support and answers to questions are given the same day or the next day latest.Using the tool for scoring suppliers and input for SLA's.

    Stefan H., DSM, Netherlands

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  • Complete and easy-to-use tool

    I was looking for a tool to help me graphically represent abstract concepts. With BSC Designer, I've found a very complete and easy-to-use tool. In particular, I like the interface with its many functionalities that are easy to grasp; the automatically generated strategy map and results dashboard; the indicators, which are easy to manage and highly configurable. I also really appreciate the articles online and the videos on youtube which are clear and informative. Access to the free online version is also a real plus for small projects or students. I contacted the customer support and received a reply very quickly, which is great. The integration with Googlsheet is a real advantage, but could be improved.

    UNHCR, The UN Refugee Agency, Switzerland

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  • Aligning the organization on the strategic goals

    It helps aligning the organisation on the strategic goals that are set. It gives an easy representation how the cause and effect are working. We have been using BSC for almost 2 years. The easiness of using the solution and capabilities to scale are important so that the strategy can be communicated towards everyone within the company. The extended manual is very easy to use and provides some good insights.

    Christophe S., Mid-Market (51-1000 employees), Belgium

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  • Powerful tool for strategic management with educational instructions

    The BSC Designer has been fundamental in structuring and monitoring the strategic objectives of my organization. The tool helps identify and align key performance indicators (KPIs) with overall goals, which was previously a major challenge due to the lack of a consolidated view. Additionally, it allows for the creation of strategic maps that make tracking initiatives much clearer for the entire team, promoting faster and more informed decisions.

    Almir C., Small-Business(50 or fewer employees), Brazil

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  • Easy to use, intuitive, and illustrative

    Positive side: the support for self-management in following up on initial templates and for generating new dashboards. Improvement points: some sequence trees are long, and the alignment with other data like budgets can be challenging.

    UNHCR, UNAD, Colombia

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