How to Track Risks in 2025: A Guide with Examples and Best Practices

A Practical Perspective on Managing Risks in Strategic Planning Using ISO 31000 as a Guiding Standard.

Step 1 - Risk Assessment
Step 2 - Risk Analysis
Step 3 - Risk Response
Step 4 - Risk Monitoring

Key Trends Shaping the Risk Management Landscape in 2025/2026

We are actively tracking the emerging trends in strategic planning, specifically their impact on risk management.

Here are the shifts in risk management that we expect to see in 2025/2026:

  • More regulations are explicitly including requirements for risk management practices. The concept of stakeholders is becoming more prevalent in risk management.
  • The GRC trend is on the rise, with a visible shift from risk reporting to active risk management. For example, we see traditional risk registers being complemented by more practical goal-centric risk documentation.
  • AI governance is being widely adopted to mitigate the risks associated with emerging generative AI.
  • Notable data breaches (like the CrowdStrike outage) have triggered increased interest in third-party vendor validation.
  • The ongoing trends of economic and political instability are pushing organizations to expand their risk models, especially in the supply chain domain.
  • Extreme weather events have expanded the interest in disaster recovery beyond core IT.

Risk is a trending topic in the professional community. We are seeing more risk and GRC conferences across the USA and Europe. We will share our practical experience in risk management through planned conference talks.

Introduction: Defining Risk Beyond Probability and Impact

The guiding standard in the domain of risk management is ISO 31000. It’s intriguing to observe the evolution of the standard’s definition of risk over time:

  • The previous ISO definition of risk: “A chance or probability of loss.”
  • The definition according to ISO 31000:2018: “The effect of uncertainty on objectives.”

What has changed?

  • The old definition mentioned “loss“; the new one employs the term “effect.” This shift implies potential positive and negative effects, as well as highlights the importance of intangibles like customer perception.
  • The old definition used “chance” and “probability” to describe the likelihood of occurrences. In the modern definition, we encounter the “effect of uncertainty,” also explained as the effect of incomplete knowledge. This approach allows more flexibility in defining risks, extending beyond the “probability x impact” model.
  • The addition of the term “objective” to the new definition highlights that risks are defined within a specific context, preventing potential misalignment with overall strategy.
5 Steps of Risk Management in Strategic Planning by BSC Designer

Let’s explore the practical application of risk management in strategic planning using the guiding principles of the ISO standard.

Step 1 - Risk Assessment

1. Risk Assessment: Systematic and Stakeholder-Aware

Map possible risks through systematic analysis of driving forces and their early sign indicators in the context of the organization’s strategy and stakeholders’ interests.

The general guideline of the ISO standard emphasizes that risk assessment should be systematic and take into account the views of different stakeholders.

What does it mean in practice?

Risk Assessment: Systematic

The concept of ‘systematic’ risk assessment varies across industries. Essentially, it involves following determined processes and standards, such as:

  • Regularity of risk assessment
  • Quantification of the risk
  • Assigning responsible individuals

Below, we discuss how this can be implemented at an operational level.

Risk Assessment: Stakeholder’s View

Similar to other business domains (consider, for example, the sustainability reporting directive), the ISO standard focuses on stakeholder definition and requires taking stakeholders’ views into account when managing risks.

In practice, this means that organizations need to:

  • Conduct a stakeholder analysis to define interested parties involved.
  • Take the interests of stakeholders into account when creating a risk model in the context of objectives.

This standard requirement aligns well with the approach we endorse through our strategy implementation system.

Users of BSC Designer will find the stakeholder analysis template in their accounts.

  • The list of stakeholders can be defined via Settings > Organization > Strategy.
  • The stakeholders from the list will be included in the ‘Owner‘ list and can be assigned to a goal, risk, or risk mitigation plan.

Risk Identification in the Context of Objectives

The next step of risk assessment is to name the specific risk. The new ISO standard requires risks to be defined in the context of objectives. The aspiration of the standard is to improve the alignment between the risk and the business context.

Michael Rasmussen, a renowned GRC analyst, shared his perspective on risk management for value creation versus risk management for compliance:

  • “[A good tool for risk management] starts with the objectives of the business and maps and manages risk in the context of those objectives (true ISO 31000).”

In strategic planning, instead of having a separate risk scorecard, integrate risks into the strategy scorecards.

When conducting value-based strategy decomposition, we break down the strategic ambitions of the stakeholders into more specific goals and subgoals. At this point, we quantify goals and define risks to better understand the business context we are dealing with.

Most of the tools we use to scan the business environment (refer to the Strategy Analysis segment on the diagram) will naturally help with the identification of risks.

To define a risk in BSC Designer:

  • Select an existing goal or create a new one.
  • Choose Add Risk from the Add button menu.
  • Fill in the relevant factors in the description field and use the Documents section to upload any supporting documents.

Adding risk indicator in BSC Designer

To enter the results of risk analysis:

  1. Select the Likelihood indicator.
  2. Enter the initial risk estimation into the Inherent field.
  3. Enter the acceptable risk into the Acceptable field.
  4. Enter the current risk estimation into the Residual field.

Enter risk analysis data into risk indicator

Repeat the steps for the Impact indicator.

Defining Early Sign Indicators

The root cause of the risk is what is referred to in ISO as the effect of “incomplete knowledge”.

How can we enhance our risk models in the context of the driving forces?

In addition to probability indicators, define early sign indicators. For instance, these could be early warning indicators of economic crises or even wars. By translating general driving forces into more specific factors, we increase the chance of finding a reliable early warning indicator.

In strategic planning, we distinguish these predictive/leading indicators aligned with success factors from indicators that measure outcomes (lagging indicators).

To create a predictive early-sign indicator in BSC Designer:

  • Create a new indicator.
  • Switch to the Context tab.
  • Change the type of indicator to “Leading”.

Changing type of indicator to Leading

Changing type of indicator to Leading. Source: View Risk Management Example online in BSC Designer Risk Management Example.

This indicator won’t be taken into account when calculating the performance of its parent goal, but we can track it and use it to quantify risk discovery or risk mitigation initiatives.

Step 2 - Risk Analysis

2. Risk Analysis: Probability, Impact, Vulnerability

Make risks more specific by quantifying attributes such as probability, impact, and vulnerability.

Risk analysis is a broad practice focused on understanding risk and its potential effects on the organization. Below, we provide suggestions for risk analysis in the context of strategic planning.

How to Identify and Monitor Risks with BSC Designer

Define Likelihood/Probability Indicator

The likelihood indicator can be defined:

  • Qualitatively, for example, on the scale [Low, Medium, High] or
  • Quantitatively, for example, on the scale [0 to 100%].

The quantitative scale is suitable for cases where the risk event has enough empirical data to estimate its likelihood over a certain period of time.

A quantitative scale for risk likelihood

A quantitative scale for measuring risk likelihood. Source: View Risk Management Example online in BSC Designer Risk Management Example.

Using Qualitative and Quantitative Measurement Units on Scorecards

Users of BSC Designer can define qualitative measurement units (a custom scale [“Rare, Unlikely, Possible, Likely, Certain”]) that the software can convert into specific values.

Qualitative scale for risk probability

A qualitative scale for assessing risk probability. Source: View Risk Management Example online in BSC Designer Risk Management Example.

Risk Impact Indicator

Similar to the likelihood indicator, we can define the risk indicator quantitatively on a scale from 0 to 100%.

An alternative option would be to use a dollar scale for the risk impact indicator.

Impact indicator measured on a dollar scale

Impact indicator measured on a dollar scale. Source: View Risk Management Example online in BSC Designer Risk Management Example.

Similar to the likelihood indicator, we can define a custom quantitative scale for impact:

Qualitative scale for the risk impact indicator

Qualitative scale for the risk impact indicator. Source: View Risk Management Example online in BSC Designer Risk Management Example.

Vulnerability Indicator

The estimation of the likelihood of the risk and its possible impact doesn’t consider the organization’s sensitivity to this kind of risk.

When discussing early sign indicators, we quantified aspects of the business environment that could predict the development of certain driving forces. In the case of vulnerability, we conduct a similar analysis but focus on the organization and its infrastructure.

For instance, we could evaluate existing cybersecurity vulnerabilities through wargaming or attack simulation. More specific examples can be found in the cybersecurity article.

“Vulnerability” can be quantified according to the CVSS on the 0 to 10 scale with the “Minimization” optimization function.

Aligning Risk with Effectiveness of Internal Controls

One way to estimate the probability or impact of a risk is by evaluating the effectiveness of internal controls.

The effectiveness of the controls is validated by lagging metrics. If those are in the green zone, we can expect a lower risk estimation.

Identify and Assess Risks by Effectiveness of Internal Controls

Track Time Factors

The constant change of the driving forces, as well as risk prevention initiatives, results in changes in risk estimations.

Track the evolution of the risk over time and note down relevant ideas for the learning and improvement cycle.

To automate this in BSC Designer:

  • Establish an update interval for risk indicators.

Update interval for Vulnerability indicator

  • Use the internal calendar and Value field to update the indicator with fresh data.
  • Use the comment button to add relevant notes to the update.

Update residual risk and comment on risk updates

Step 3 - Risk Response

3. Risk Treatment: Deciding How to Respond to the Risk

Implement mitigation plans for the risks and track the success of implementation with the statuses of initiatives and risk mitigation indicators.

According to the established thresholds of acceptable risks and following the results of risk analysis, decision-makers formulate a response strategy for the risk with possible options like:

  • Removing risks as not relevant
  • Monitoring within the existing risk model
  • Introducing a risk treatment plan
  • Questioning the risk analysis
  • Questioning the context (goal or stakeholders’ ambition)

In BSC Designer:

  • Use Risk Mitigation initiatives to write down risk treatment plans.
  • Align the progress indicator with the risk mitigation initiative.
  • Use the status field of the risk to indicate its current status according to the accepted risk management workflow.

Track status of risk mitigation initiative

Track status of risk mitigation initiative. Source: View Risk Management Example online in BSC Designer Risk Management Example.

  • Add additional items via the Initiatives dialog (new risks, initiatives, rationales, hypotheses, expected outcomes)
  • Add relevant data for risk treatment, such as budget, timeline, progress indicator, persons responsible
  • Upload relevant supporting documents
Adding Risk Treatment Plans to the Risk

Step 4 - Risk Monitoring

4. Risk Monitoring: A Fresh Look at Risk Exposure

Track the evolution of the risk exposure over time with key risk indicators and dashboards.

The indicators we used to define the risks are configured for a certain update interval. Owners assigned to the risk indicators will receive notifications about upcoming update intervals and missed updates.

It is also possible to visualize on the dashboard the indicators that were not updated on time.

The details of all updates (person who updated, when the update was made, if the previous value was changed) can be visualized via the audit log for the indicators.

On the level of the governance scorecard, regular risk analysis can be quantified by a dedicated indicator:

  • Add the “Conduct systematic risk assessment” to the governance scorecard.
  • Configure the indicator to be updated quarterly or annually.
  • Assign the person/team responsible for regular risk analysis as an owner of this indicator to have email reminders about upcoming updates.
  • Align this indicator with corresponding indicators from lower levels that quantify risk assessments done in specific areas.


In addition to monitoring with regularly updated indicators, consider adding a dashboard with relevant diagrams:

  • A diagram with a list of the risks, their statuses, treatment progress, persons responsible
  • Dedicated diagrams for the most critical risks
  • Diagrams for the risk index and its change over time.

A dashboard with risk diagrams

A dashboard with risk diagrams. Source: View Risk Management Example online in BSC Designer Risk Management Example.

Advanced Risk Management with BSC Designer

Weighted Risk Index

One of the popular means to report risk incidents is using a weighted risk index. A simple index could look like this:

  • Low-impact events (weight = 5%)
  • Medium-impact events (weight = 15%)
  • High impact events (weight = 30%)
  • Critical events (weight = 50%)

The use of the index helps prevent manipulation of the indicator by masking high-value events with low-value fixes.

An example of weighted risk index

An example of weighted risk index. Source: View Risk Management Example online in BSC Designer Risk Management Example.

In BSC Designer:

  • Use the Add button to create a hierarchical structure of indicators.
  • Use the Weight property on the Performance tab to assign relevant weight to the indicators.

Risk Management at Scale: Risk Register vs. Goal-Centric Risk Definitions

When scaling risk-related practices, organizations typically combine these two methods of risk management to balance risk visibility and alignment:

  • Using a risk register scorecard for general risks, and
  • Focusing on goal-centric risk definitions for more specific risks.

An example of a risk register functional scorecard.

An example of a risk register in a functional scorecard automated by BSC Designer. Source: View Risk Register online in BSC Designer Risk Register.


Training programTraining session: 'Risk Management with BSC Designer' is offered as part of our ongoing learning program and included with a BSC Designer subscription.

Training sessions are delivered weekly via Zoom, providing practical insights and personalized guidance. Upon completion, participants receive an attendance certification. Explore all available training sessions here.

Conclusion: Integrating Risk in Strategic Planning

We are no longer talking about separate disciplines of risk management, compliance, and governance. The rapidly changing business environment forces organizations to look for an integrated GRC framework.

As outlined in our Strategy Implementation System, the practical implementation includes:

  • Breaking down complex problems into specific areas, managed by dedicated strategy and function scorecards.
  • Formulating goals with appropriate risk definitions, indicators, and initiatives.
  • Focusing scorecards on areas of interest, such as compliance, cybersecurity, or the supply chain.

Use Risk Management Example Template

BSC Designer helps organizations implement their complex strategies:

  1. Sign up for a free plan on the platform.
  2. Use the Scorecard Template Risk Management Example template as a starting point. You will find it in New > New Scorecard > More Templates.
  3. Follow our Strategy Implementation System to align stakeholders and strategic ambitions into a comprehensive strategy.

Get started today and see how BSC Designer can simplify your strategy implementation!

Cite as: Alexis Savkín, "How to Track Risks in 2025: A Guide with Examples and Best Practices," BSC Designer, September 30, 2014,

4 thoughts on “How to Track Risks in 2025: A Guide with Examples and Best Practices”

  1. Your free use tool does not seem to contain specifics for application/product security risk score card creation. I am think of companies which are suppliers of software products into a semi-regulated industry or where regional cybersecurity laws apply to the company because they are a supplier to a Critical Infrastructure Service Provider (CISP). Also, I am looking at trying to map technical risks (eg, embedded OSS component CVE and CWE) to the customer impact business risks of releasing a product with those known, open vulnerabilities in the product image. And, YES, software products are released with known, open vulnerabilities.

  2. Hi Frank, actually users can setup any indicators they need in the software, including the risk metrics that you mentioned. As for having them as a template, it’s a tough topic as in the best case indicators should be tailor made for a specific organization. We’ve gave a general guideline/starting point in the article about measuring quality (

  3. hola, necesito costo para que me ayuden a crear una matriz de riesgos, ya tengo el diseño y las formulas, pero necesito pasarla a un nuevo formato, necesito el costo.

  4. Hello Cindy, I believe the article gives some starting points in terms of creation a risk scorecard. Additionally, you can find support/consulting options available on the Pricing page. Feel free to contact our team to discuss the details.

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