Performance Reports for KPIs, Goals, and Initiatives
Generate reports with various views on scorecard performance: overview, action plans, and costs of strategy. Supported formats: HTML, Excel, PDF.
- Various reporting formats (HTML, PDF, Excel).
- Scheduled reports via email.
- User-defined report templates.
Access Reports
To access the Reports dialog:
- Open a scorecard.
- Click Report.
- The Reports dialog will be displayed.
Generate a Report for the Scorecard
To generate a report:
- Select one of the report profiles:
- Adjust report grouping and filters if needed.
- Click the OK button below.
- Follow the link to open the generated report.
Report Profiles
A report profile is a combination of report fragments and other settings, such as the reporting period, data grouping, and filters.
Pre-Defined Report Profiles
- Overview - Overview of scorecard items and performance of KPIs.
- Values - The table view for the values of all indicators from the scorecard.
- KPI Update Status - The list of KPIs from the scorecard with their corresponding update status.
- Cost of Strategy - A summary of all initiatives with budget and duration data.
- Strategic Plan - A report with mission, vision, core values, and strategic themes.
- Outline - A strategy map + high-level information for the items from the scorecard.
- Dashboard - All dashboards of the scorecard.
- Strategy Map - All strategy maps of the scorecard.
- Action Plan - Goals and detailed view on initiatives.
- Initiatives Status - A table view of initiatives with statuses, progress, due dates, and budgets.
- Risks and Mitigation Plans - A report with a filter on risk mitigation plans.
- Overview Mobile - A version of the 'Overview' report adjusted for smaller screens.
Modifying a Pre-Defined Profile
To modify a pre-defined report profile:
- Select the report profile:
- Click
Modify button next to the profile name.
- The report fragments will be listed. Fragments marked in yellow are already included in the report profile:
- Click the
button to include the fragments in the profile.
- Click the
button to exclude the fragments from the profile.
To save the reporting settings as a new profile:
- Select the report profile.
- Apply the required settings (reporting period, grouping, filters).
- Click the Save as Profile button below.
To create a blank report profile:
- Select the Customize option in the 'Profile' dropdown list.
- Click the Add button.
- Click on the
button to include the fragments in the profile.
Report Fragments
Reports in BSC Designer are built using a combination of individual fragments.
Access Fragments
To access a report fragment:
- Select the report profile:
- Click
Modify button next to the profile name.
- The report fragments will be listed:
- Click
Modify button for the fragment you want to change.
Create New Fragment
To create a new report fragment:
- Select the Customize option in the 'Profile' dropdown list.
- Click the Report Fragments button below.
- Click the Add button.
Fragment Options
General properties of a fragment:
- Name: Used to identify the fragment internally.
- Display as: The title that will be used to output the fragment.
- Font size: The size of the fragment title.
Properties that define fragment visualization:
- Display in individual table: If activated, each item will be displayed in an individual table with its own headers. Otherwise, items will be grouped into a table with shared headers.
- Start new page: If activated, the fragment will be printed on a new page in PDF.
- Swap rows and columns: If activated, the columns will be displayed in rows (recommended for larger tables).
Application area: Defines when the program will use the fragment:
- KPIs: Applies to the items from the KPIs tab; a specific item type is selected below.
- Dashboard: Outputs dashboards of the scorecard.
- Strategy Maps: Outputs strategy maps of the scorecard.
- Strategy Attributes: Outputs strategy attributes defined in Settings > Strategy tab.
- Report Legend: Outputs general information about the report such as the author and filters used.
Schedule Regular Reports
Receive reports regularly by email:
- Select a report profile:
- Adjust report grouping and filters if needed.
- Click the Schedule button below:
- Specify the sending frequency.
- Specify the recipient of the report.
- Click OK to save.