Performance Reports for KPIs, Goals, and Initiatives

Generate reports with various views on scorecard performance: overview, action plans, and costs of strategy. Supported formats: HTML, Excel, PDF.

  • Various reporting formats (HTML, PDF, Excel).
  • Scheduled reports via email.
  • User-defined report templates.

Access Reports

To access the Reports dialog:

  1. Open a scorecard.
  2. Click Report.
  3. The Reports dialog will be displayed.

Generate a Report for the Scorecard

To generate a report:

  1. Select one of the report profiles:
  2. Generate Reports with BSC Designer

  3. Adjust report grouping and filters if needed.
  4. Click the OK button below.
  5. Follow the link to open the generated report.

Report Profiles

A report profile is a combination of report fragments and other settings, such as the reporting period, data grouping, and filters.

Pre-Defined Report Profiles

  • Overview - Overview of scorecard items and performance of KPIs.
  • Values - The table view for the values of all indicators from the scorecard.
  • KPI Update Status - The list of KPIs from the scorecard with their corresponding update status.
  • Cost of Strategy - A summary of all initiatives with budget and duration data.
  • Strategic Plan - A report with mission, vision, core values, and strategic themes.
  • Outline - A strategy map + high-level information for the items from the scorecard.
  • Dashboard - All dashboards of the scorecard.
  • Strategy Map - All strategy maps of the scorecard.
  • Action Plan - Goals and detailed view on initiatives.
  • Initiatives Status - A table view of initiatives with statuses, progress, due dates, and budgets.
  • Risks and Mitigation Plans - A report with a filter on risk mitigation plans.
  • Overview Mobile - A version of the 'Overview' report adjusted for smaller screens.

Modifying a Pre-Defined Profile

To modify a pre-defined report profile:

  1. Select the report profile:
  2. Generate Reports with BSC Designer

  3. Click Modify button Modify button next to the profile name.
  4. The report fragments will be listed. Fragments marked in yellow are already included in the report profile:
  5. Report fragments in BSC Designer

  6. Click the Add button button to include the fragments in the profile.
  7. Click the Remove button button to exclude the fragments from the profile.

To save the reporting settings as a new profile:

  1. Select the report profile.
  2. Apply the required settings (reporting period, grouping, filters).
  3. Click the Save as Profile button below.

To create a blank report profile:

  1. Select the Customize option in the 'Profile' dropdown list.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Click on the Add button button to include the fragments in the profile.

Report Fragments

Reports in BSC Designer are built using a combination of individual fragments.

Access Fragments

To access a report fragment:

  1. Select the report profile:
  2. Generate Reports with BSC Designer

  3. Click Modify button Modify button next to the profile name.
  4. The report fragments will be listed:
  5. Report fragments in BSC Designer

  6. Click Modify button Modify button for the fragment you want to change.

Create New Fragment

To create a new report fragment:

  1. Select the Customize option in the 'Profile' dropdown list.
  2. Click the Report Fragments button below.
  3. Click the Add button.

Fragment Options

The report fragment in BSC Designer

General properties of a fragment:

  • Name: Used to identify the fragment internally.
  • Display as: The title that will be used to output the fragment.
  • Font size: The size of the fragment title.

Properties that define fragment visualization:

  • Display in individual table: If activated, each item will be displayed in an individual table with its own headers. Otherwise, items will be grouped into a table with shared headers.
  • Start new page: If activated, the fragment will be printed on a new page in PDF.
  • Swap rows and columns: If activated, the columns will be displayed in rows (recommended for larger tables).

Application area: Defines when the program will use the fragment:

  • KPIs: Applies to the items from the KPIs tab; a specific item type is selected below.
  • Dashboard: Outputs dashboards of the scorecard.
  • Strategy Maps: Outputs strategy maps of the scorecard.
  • Strategy Attributes: Outputs strategy attributes defined in Settings > Strategy tab.
  • Report Legend: Outputs general information about the report such as the author and filters used.

Schedule Regular Reports

Receive reports regularly by email:

  1. Select a report profile:
  2. Generate Reports with BSC Designer

  3. Adjust report grouping and filters if needed.
  4. Click the Schedule button below:
  5. Schedule button in report dialog

  6. Specify the sending frequency.
  7. Specify the recipient of the report.
  8. Click OK to save.