Create a Simple KPI Scorecard using BSC Designer
Create a simple strategy scorecard step by step. Add goals, set up indicators, and create initiatives.
Learn more about the Balanced Scorecard framework:Here is the summary of the steps explained in the video.
Create an empty scorecard
Login to your account or sign-up with a free plan.
- Select > Strategy Workspace > My Scorecards
- Click New > New scorecard
- Create a blank scorecard or use one of the templates
Add a new goal
Goals are containers for indicators.
- Select Customer perspective
- Click Add button on the toolbar
- Specify the name of the goal in the Name field (example: "Improve quality of the product")
Add lagging indicator
Make the goals more specific by quantifying them with indicators.
- Select the goal created on the previous step
- Click Add button on the toolbar
- Specify the name of the indicator in the Name field (example: "The number of problems reported")
Set up indicator
Select an indicator and use the tabs below to adjust its settings.
General tab:
- Specify description, owner, measurement units
Data tab:
- Enter baseline, target, current value (used to calculate indicator's progress)
- Click the Values editor button for advanced settings - update interval, inheritance, grouping of the indicator
- Use the Data source button to automate data input via Excel, databases, RestFULL API
Performance tab:
- Adjust the performance function (typically maximization or minimization)
- Specify the relevant weight of the indicator compared to other indicators in the same branch
View tab:
- Change the glyphs used on the strategy map for the indicator
- Change the strategic theme
Context tab:
- Change the type of indicator (leading or lagging)
Create leading indicator
Leading indicators are aligned with success factors and quantify efforts.
- Click the Add button to create a new indicator
- Specify the name of the indicator in the Name field (example: "% of reviewed processes")
- Switch to the Context tab to change the type of indicator to leading
Create initiatives
Formulate action plans or initiatives for the goals.
- Click on the Initiative button next to the goal
- Create a new initiative - specify progress indicator, budget, timeline, additional detail
- Use other types of initiative record, such as hypothesis or rationale
Strategy map
A strategy map is created automatically using the data from the KPIs tab.
- Switch to the Strategy map tab
- Use the link button on the toolbar to connect two goals
- Use the AI-powered strategy quality score to improve the strategy map
Visualize performance data on the dashboards.
- Switch to the Dashboard tab
- Click the Add button to add a new diagram
- Select the source indicator and type of diagram
To cascade scorecard, open two scorecards in separate tabs:
- Copy the source indicator (Control + C shortcut)
- Switch to the target scorecard and the paste indicator (Control + V shortcut)
- Select if you want a copy or a link