Account Setup in BSC Designer
Setup an account in BSC Designer, change logo, add currencies for the initiatives, backup and restore data.
- Subscription settings.
- Integrations and customization.
- Notifications for owners.
- Company's logo and strategic core (mission, vision, values).
- Formatting (date format, currencies, fiscal year).
Free Plan
Before buying any subscription we do recommend for all users to start with a free plan. For the free plan we don't ask for a credit card details.
Free Plan:
- Has no time limitations (make sure to log in at least every 6 months to keep your account active)
- Allows up to 5 scorecards per account
- Allows up to 36 goals and indicators per scorecard
- Allows 2 users
Switching to the Paid Account
To buy a subscription, visit the official price page. Once the order is finalized, you will receive an activation code. Follow these steps to enter it into BSC Designer:
- Log in into your account
- Click
> Settings > Subscription tab
- Copy into the text box the New subscription code that you have (it starts with "crd-" and ends with "-kpionline")
- Click Activate button

Interface Language
BSC Designer is available in multiple languages. To log in using a specific language:
- Go to the login page.
- Click one of the language links below the sign-in button.
When logging in with a different language:
- You will access the same account, and your data will remain unchanged.
- The selected language will apply to system templates but will not affect the content inside user-defined templates.
Deleting Account
To delete an account and all its data:
- Log in to your account
- Click
> Settings > Subscription tab
- Click the Delete Account button
Manage the integration of the BSC Designer platform with third-party tools:
- Data Sources. Register databases as data sources to facilitate the creation of SQL indicators.
- AI API. Activate the AI tab for power users in the account.
- Webhooks. Register a webhook to send notifications to third-party tools.
- RESTful API. Register an API key to use for API integration.
- Service API. Enable the service API to capture emails containing new initiatives.
Account Backup
A security copy of the BSC Designer database is created regularly. You might be required by the security regulations of your company to do additional backup copies of your data. Follow these steps to do a backup of your account:
- Login into BSC Designer
- Go to
> Settings > Backup tab
- Select there Backup scorecards and groups to backup the data from your account, or Restore scorecards and groups to restore from a previously saved backup.
Please note: these additional backups need to be stored locally and are not saved on BSC Designer server. Additionally, you might want to turn on the log of user activity in your account.
Backup Individual Scorecard
In addition to a global account backup, it's possible to back up an individual scorecard:
To download a scorecard:
- Open a scorecard.
- Select Tools > Export Data.
- Select the Export as BSC (XML) file option.
- Click Next to download the scorecard.
To upload a scorecard:
- Open any scorecard.
- Select Tools > Import Data.
- Select the Upload BSC (XML) file option.
- Click the Next button.
- Select the .bsc file to upload and choose the destination in the strategy workspace.
- Click the Save button to finalize the upload.
Using these steps, an individual scorecard can be moved from one account to another.
- Use the Scorecard templates section to manage custom templates for new scorecards.
- Use the Custom KPI fields to define custom fields for KPIs that will be available on the
KPIs tab> General Tab > Description dialog. Learn more about customization.
- Use the Initiative statuses group to define statuses for the initiatives.
- Use the Notifications for owners to configure global notifications for owners.
- Use the Historical data to define a period opened for data input for the users with limited rights.
On this tab, manage the settings specific for your organization:- Specify the name of the organization
- Define how the YTD (Year-to-Date) should be calculated
- Define the start date of a fiscal year
- Change the logo used in the program interface and for the reports
- Setup currencies that can be used for the budgets in the initiative and for the measurement unit of KPIs
- Enable Two-Factor Authentication for more secure access
- Customize Date and Number formats
- Manage documents uploaded for goals, indicators, and initiatives
Define here the company's strategy statements and strategic themes that will be later used for the strategy maps.
Manage the list of stakeholders to later assign them to goals, indicators, or initiatives via the Owner field.
Keyboard Shortcuts
General shortcuts:
N | New item |
Control + Z | Undo |
Control + Y | Redo |
Esc | Close dialog without saving |
Enter | Close dialog and apply changes |
Shift + D | Delete item |
Shift + N | New item on the same level |
I | Initiatives dialog |
C | Comments dialog |
V | Values editor dialog |
Control + C | Copy item |
Control + V | Paste item |
P | Scorecard properties dialog |
S | Scorecard share dialog |
Getting Started with an Account
Here are some recommended steps to get started with an account:
- Prepare an organization structure. Learn more...
- Add additional Power and View-only users. Learn more...
- Create your first scorecard from a template. Learn more...
Once you reviewed main features using example scorecards, try all the functionality on your own:
- Create new KPIs and power them with data. Learn more...
- Automatically build a strategy map. Learn more...