BSC Designer 线上版 计分卡级联与协同


了解更多有关 级联在战略规划中 的作用。

To cascade a scorecard in BSC Designer, copy and paste one of the goals/KPIs between two scorecards. When pasting item, the software will suggest copying data or linking data.

To link two scorecards:

  1. Open Source scorecard, go to the KPIs tab
  2. Select any item and copy it (menu Tools > Copy Indicator)
  3. Open Recipient scorecard
  4. Select an item that will be a recipient of the link
  5. Paste data (menu Tools > Paste Indicator)
  6. The software will suggest two options: click Link data button

To open the source scorecard:

  1. Select previously imported indicator
  2. Switch to the Data tab
  3. Click on the Data source link

To view the dependencies between cascaded scorecard:

  1. Select previously imported indicator
  2. Switch to the Data tab
  3. Click on the Data source button next to the Value field:
  4. Data source button

  5. The dependency tree will be displayed.

确保您的账户中有两个计分卡 (接收计分卡源计分卡) ,确保计分卡中包含了一些KPIs指标。 请遵循以下步骤,链接您的两个计分卡:

  1. 打开 接收 计分卡,前往 KPIs 选项卡
  2. 选择一个将作为数据接收方的指标
  3. 转向 数据 标签页,点击 数据来源 按钮,这一按钮位于 域的一侧:
  4. 数据来源按钮

  5. 点击 另一计分卡 按钮,位于 更多数据来源 选项当中
  6. 源文档 下拉列表当中,选择 文档:
  7. 按KPIs对齐

  8. 导入项目 下拉列表中,选择一个您想要链接的KPI指标
  9. 点击 确定 关闭对话框。 接收指标的值将被链接至 计分卡

To cascade a strategy in BSC Designer, use automatic or manual alignment function.

Automatic Alignment

To align scorecards automatically:

  1. Go to the > My Scorecards
  2. Drag and drop the Source scorecard to the Recipient scorecard

The software will match the perspectives in both scorecards by their names and will align them automatically.

Manual Alignment

To align scorecards manually:

  1. Open Source scorecard and go to the KPIs tab
  2. Select any item and copy it (menu Tools > Copy Indicator)
  3. Open the Recipient scorecard
  4. Select an item that will be a recipient of the link
  5. Add connection (menu Tools > Paste Indicator)
  6. The software will suggest two options: click the Link data button
  • Click the Link by data or Link by context button
  • Another way to align the scorecards manually:

    1. Open the source scorecard, switch to the Strategy map icon in BSC Designer Strategy map tab
    2. Select a source item on the strategy map
    3. Click on the Export button on the toolbar:
    4. Export goal to another scorecard
    5. Select the recipient scorecard and item:
    6. Selecting destination scorecard and item
    7. Click the Link by data or Link by context button

    The contextual connection will be displayed for both items on the Context tab.

    Dependency Tree

    To view the dependencies between cascaded scorecard:

    1. Select previously imported indicator
    2. Switch to the Data tab
    3. Click on the Data source button next to the Value field:
    4. Data source button

    5. The dependency tree will be displayed.