Calculate KPIs Using Other KPIs on the Scorecard

Use formulas with current values, targets, or the performance of other KPIs on the scorecard to calculate the value or target of a metric.

  • Define the formula for a KPI.
  • Use data from other KPIs (current value, performance, target).
  • Define the application area of the formula (applies to all KPI properties, applies to current value only, applies to target only).
  • Use formulas that depend on the number of uploaded documents.

Formulas for KPIs

To calculate a KPI using other KPIs:

  1. Select a KPI
  2. Switch to the Data tab, click on the Data source button:
  3. Data source button
  4. Select Formula button in BSC DesignerFormula as a data source

The Formula dialog will be displayed:

Formula dialog in BSC Designer

Use Insert controls to add a KPI to the formula:

  • Select if the software should use the KPI's value, progress, or performance.
  • Select a KPI in the list to add it to the formula.

Apply to option defines how the formula will be applied:

  • All applies the formula to all numerical properties of the indicator.
  • Value only applies the results to the value of the indicator. The user can enter the target manually.
  • Target only applies the results to the target of the indicator. The user can enter the current value manually.

Use [.] to search for an indicator inside the current item; use [..] to search for an indicator inside the parent item.

Tracking Evidence

An indicator on the scorecard can be configured to change its progress when evidence, such as a link or document, is uploaded.

To create such an indicator:

  1. Switch to the General tab of any indicator.
  2. Change the measurement units of the indicator to Evidence.
  3. Switch to the Data tab to set the required number of evidences in the Target field.