BSC Designer: Onboarding for Strategic Planning Software

Learn the key mechanics of BSC Designer for managing goals, KPIs, initiatives, strategy maps, and dashboards.

Migrate existing strategy scorecards (various levels of the goals, KPIs, their data, targets and initiatives) from spreadsheet software to BSC Designer:

Strategy Implementation System

Learn how to articulate the strategic ambitions of stakeholders into a comprehensive strategy supported by aligned strategic and functional scorecards, following the Strategy Implementation System.

Account Setup in BSC Designer

Setup an account in BSC Designer, change logo, add currencies for the initiatives, backup and restore data.

Free Plan

Before buying any subscription we do recommend for all users to start with a free plan. For the free plan we don't ask for a credit card details.

Switching to the Paid Account

Once the product was carefully evaluated a user can get a quote and buy a required subscription plan using the online price calculator. The calculator will ask for the required number of power users and preferred billing cycle. Once the order is finalized you will have an activation code. Follow these steps to enter it into BSC Designer:

  1. Login into your account
  2. Click > Settings > Subscription tab
  3. Copy into the text box the Credit ID that you have (it starts with "crd-" and ends with "-kpionline")
  4. Click Activate button

Account Backup

A security copy of the BSC Designer database is created regularly. You might be required by the security regulations of your company to do additional backup copies of your data. Follow these steps to do a backup of your account:

  1. Login into BSC Designer
  2. Go to > Settings > Backup tab
  3. Select there Backup scorecards and groups to backup the data from your account, or Restore scorecards and groups to restore from a previously saved backup.

Please note: these additional backups need to be stored locally and are not saved on BSC Designer server. Additionally, you might want to turn on the log of user activity in your account.



On this tab, manage the settings specific for your organization: The currency marked as a default will be used as a base currency for the calculations of the totals in the cost of strategy report.


Define here the company's strategy statements and strategic themes that will be later used for the strategy maps.

Manage the list of stakeholders to later assign them to goals, indicators, or initiatives via the Owner field.

Keyboard Shortcuts

General shortcuts:

N New item
Control + Z Undo
Control + Y Redo
Esc Close dialog without saving
Enter Close dialog and apply changes
Shift + D Delete item
Shortcuts for the KPIs tab:
Shift + N New item on the same level
I Initiatives dialog
C Comments dialog
V Values editor dialog
Control + C Copy item
Control + V Paste item
Shortcuts for the My Scorecards section:
P Scorecard properties dialog
S Scorecard share dialog

Getting Started with an Account

Here are some recommended steps to get started with an account:

Once you reviewed main features using example scorecards, try all the functionality on your own:

Get Started Using Free Balanced Scorecard Templates

Use free Balanced Scorecard templates available in BSC Designer as a starting point for a new scorecard with KPIs and strategy maps.

How to Use a Balanced Scorecard Template

Here are the steps to use a Balanced Scorecard template.

  1. Log into your account. If you don't have one, create a free account
  2. Click the New Scorecard button
  3. Select a template from the More templates... list
  4. Create a scorecard from template

Review and Customize a Template

The template is now in your account. Now it's time to review what you have and customize it according to your needs.

  1. Go to > Strategy Workspace > My Scorecards section and click on the scorecard to open it, wait until BSC Designer loads all the data
  2. You will see the interface of BSC Designer and its main toolbar:
  3. Save BSC template to my account

  4. Click on the KPIs tab to review the KPIs that exist in the scorecard; with this tab you can:
  5. Finally, switch to the Strategy map tab, here:

The scorecard is ready, feel free to add more KPIs, business goals, or build your own dashboard. Check out "Get Started" in the user manual for more information.

Create Custom Templates for Your Account

Users can add their own templates to the software and also replace a template for a new scorecard.

Organize Scorecards and Dashboards in a Workspace for the Strategy Team

Create strategy scorecards and share them with your colleagues. Show the vision, mission and values of your organization in the widget section.

My Scorecards

My Scorecards section is a workspace for your strategy team. Here you can:


The Widgets section shows:

Strategy Sandbox

Create a strategy sandbox where new members of your team could practice their strategy skills in a safe environment:
  1. Create a group called Sandbox
  2. Use the Share button to give a group All users the right to create and modify scorecards in the sandbox
  3. Encourage users to create new scorecards, try adding new goals, indicators and initiatives in the sandbox group

Introduce new members of the team to existing strategies by giving view rights to the real strategy scorecards.

Customizing the Scorecard Templates

To save a scorecard as a template, follow these steps:
  1. Open a scorecard.
  2. Select the Save as template command from the Tools menu.

The new template will be available in the 'New > New Scorecard > More templates' section.

To manage custom templates and select a default template for new scorecards, follow these steps:

  1. Select > Settings > Workflow.
  2. Use the controls in the Scorecard templates group.

My Dashboard

My Dashboard is a global dashboard created using data from all scorecards within your strategy workspace:

Create a Simple KPI Scorecard using BSC Designer

Create a simple scorecard step by step. Add goals, set up indicators, and create initiatives.

Here is the summary of the steps explained in the video.

Create an empty scorecard

Login to your account or sign-up with a free plan.

Add a new goal

Goals are containers for indicators.

Add lagging indicator

Make the goals more specific by quantifying them with indicators.

Set up indicator

Select an indicator and use the tabs below to adjust its settings.

General tab:

Data tab:

Performance tab:

View tab:

Context tab:

Create leading indicator

Leading indicators are aligned with success factors and quantify efforts.

Create initiatives

Formulate action plans or initiatives for the goals.

Strategy map

A strategy map is created automatically using the data from the KPIs tab.

AI-powered quality score for the strategy map


Visualize performance data on the dashboards.


To cascade scorecard, open two scorecards in separate tabs:

Onboard Your Strategy Team to BSC Designer

Involve members of your team in strategy planning and execution. Learn the difference between Power, Data Input, and View-only users.

Adding Users

To add additional users to an account:

  1. Go to the > Users section
  2. “Access
  3. Click the Add user button
  4. Enter required details:
  5. Managing users in BSC Designer

  6. Press Save button

Alternatively, send out the Invite link to the users so that they can self-register under their company's account.

Types of Users

An account owner can add Administrator, Power, Data Input or View-Only users to the BSC Designer account:

The number of power and data input users depends on the subscription that was bought. Check out the number of users allowed in your account in the Subscription section.

User Rights

An account administrator can adjust access rights of the users using additional options:

Access rights can be further customized using Sharing function.

User Logs

Security regulations in some companies require the software to log the activity of all users. BSC Designer allows the administrator to turn logging function on:

  1. Go to the Users section
  2. Click the Audit trail button
  3. Click the Settings button
  4. Select events that you need to log and click Enable logs
  5. The logs will be displayed in the Logs section

Give Access Permissions to the Scorecards and KPIs

Share scorecards with your team. Give access to the selected groups, whole scorecards, or specific indicators.

Access Rights via Ownership

Users assigned as owners to goals, indicators, and initiatives are automatically granted access rights according to their user type.

To assign an owner to a goal or indicator:

  1. Open any scorecard
  2. Select any goal or indicator, and switch to the General tab below
  3. Use the Owner control to assign an owner
Select owner for a goal or indicator

To assign an owner to an initiative:

  1. Open any scorecard
  2. Open an existing initiative or create a new one
  3. Use the Owner control to assign an owner

Adding Access Rights

Follow these steps to give a user a new access rights.

  1. Go to the > Strategy Workspace > My Scorecards
  2. Select the group or the scorecard that you want to work with
  3. Click on the Share button on the toolbar:
  4. Share button on the toolbar

  5. On the Share page select the rights that you want to assign to the user and click on the Next button.
  6. Select rights to assign to a scorecard or an indicator
  7. Find the user that you want to work with. Next to the user's name find the type of access that you want to give to the user and click on the Grant button.

Users who have access to this scorecard will now see it in their account in an organizational structure.

Revoke Access Rights

To revoke access rights follow the steps 1-3 as described above.

  1. Go to the Active permissions tab
  2. Next to the user's name press the Revoke button

Public Access

With BSC Designer you can make a public scorecard. To give public access on the step 5 find Public user and give that user required rights.

Access by Email

In some cases you might want to give an access to the person who is registered with BSC Designer, but is not linked to your account. In this case on the step 5 use section Grant rights for email, and specify the email of the person.

Align Scorecards, Goals, Indicators or Initiatives in BSC Designer

Learn how to align or cascade strategies in practice. Connect goals and KPIs across various scorecards.

Learn more about the role of cascading in strategic planning.

To cascade a strategy in BSC Designer, use automatic and manual alignment.

Automatic Alignment by Perspectives

To align scorecards automatically:

  1. Go to the > Strategy Workspace > My Scorecards
  2. Drag and drop the Source scorecard to the Recipient scorecard
A number of aligned strategy scorecards connected by perspectives

The software will match the perspectives in the scorecards by their names and align them automatically:

The functional level scorecards are aligned with corporate level scorecard by perspectives

Use the Weight property on the Performance tab to show the different impact of the low-level scorecards on the high-level scorecard:

Adjust weight of perspective to reflect different impact on overall perspective

Manual Alignment by Goal / KPI

To align scorecards manually:

  1. Open the source scorecard, switch to the KPIs tab
  2. Select a source item and copy it (menu Tools > Copy Indicator)
  3. Open the recipient scorecard and select a recipient item
  4. Add connection (menu Tools > Paste Indicator)
  5. Click the Link by data or Link by context button

Another way to align the scorecards manually:

  1. Open the source scorecard, switch to the Strategy map icon in BSC Designer Strategy map tab
  2. Select a source item on the strategy map
  3. Click on the Export button on the toolbar:
  4. Export goal to another scorecard
  5. Select the recipient scorecard and item:
  6. Selecting destination scorecard and item
  7. Click the Link by data or Link by context button

The contextual connection will be displayed for both items on the Context tab.

Dependency Tree

To view the dependencies between cascaded scorecards:

  1. Select the previously imported indicator
  2. Switch to the Data tab
  3. Click on the Data source button next to the Value field:
  4. Data source button

  5. The dependency tree will be displayed.

Managing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in BSC Designer

Create new KPIs, adjust their settings, input KPI data, specify measurement scale, and optimization function.

For more information about KPIs, check out this article.

Creating a New KPI

Add new KPI button
  1. Select an indicator that will be a container for a new KPI
  2. Use Add button

Manual Data Entry

To enter data manually follow these steps:

  1. Select or create any indicator
  2. If needed change an update interval
  3. Select appropriate date in the calendar
  4. Enter a new numeric value into the Value field

Alternatively, you can select any indicator and click onto the Values Editor button on the toolbar.

The Properties of an Indicator

Select any indicator in the list of KPIs. The software will display properties of the indicator below.

General Tab

KPI in BSC Designer

Data Tab

Performance Tab

View Tab

Context Tab


Stop-lights are cycles of different colors that are displayed next to the performance and progress values. The stop-lights help to quickly identify the state of the indicators. Stop-light colors can be customized for an indicator:

  1. Open a scorecard in BSC Designer
  2. Go to the KPIs tab and select an indicator
  3. Select Stop-lights settings in Tools menu
  4. Enter new values for the stop-lights, check the Enabled checkbox and click OK:
  5. Custom stop-lights in BSC Designer

Goals and Their Attributes as Containers for Indicators in BSC Designer

Create business goals (or containers for the KPIs), adjust their settings, quantify them with leading and lagging indicators.

Creating Goal

To create a goal:

Goal Settings as Containers

Choose any goal to display its properties. Most of the settings will be exactly the same as for the KPI, but there are two properties specific for a goal:

Goal performance setting in BSC Designer

Goal value setting in BSC Designer

The following options are available for the "Performance:"

The following options are available for the "Value":

Manage Initiatives - Action Plans for the KPIs and Goals

Learn how to align initiatives (action plans), persons responsible, budgets with KPIs and business goals in BSC Designer.


Initiatives in BSC Designer

In the list of KPIs, there is a column Initiatives. Click on the button in this column to access initiatives for the KPI.

Learn more about the role of the initiatives in strategic planning.

Initiatives have the following properties:

Process-related properties:


Budget properties:

If an initiative has budget and progress information, the software will show:

Ensure Data Consistency for KPIs Managed in BSC Designer

Use advanced functions for KPIs: specify update interval, define values grouping, change value inheritance and stop-lights properties.

Update Interval

For any KPI on the scorecard an update interval can be adjusted:

  1. Select a KPI
  2. Click Values Editor
  3. Find Update interval type settings
  4. Select required update interval and click Close

Change the update interval that the software uses by default for the new indicators via menu Tools > Options > Default update interval.

Value Inheritance

Value inheritance defines whether the software will use previous values for the dates without data, or if it will use only specifically entered values.

To adjust inheritance settings:

Update default inheritance via Tools > Options > Default value inheritance.

Data Grouping

When displaying data aggregated by time periods, the software uses the grouping setting for an indicator. To define data grouping:

  1. Select an indicator
  2. Click onto the Values Editor button on the toolbar
  3. Use the Group by drop list

Formulas for KPIs

To calculate a KPI using other KPIs:

  1. Select a KPI
  2. Switch to the Data tab, click on the Data source button:
  3. Data source button
  4. Select Formula button in BSC DesignerFormula as a data source

The Formula dialog will be displayed:

Formula dialog in BSC Designer

Use Insert controls to add a KPI to the formula:

Apply to option defines how the formula will be applied:

Use [.] to search for an indicator inside the current item; use [..] to search for an indicator inside the parent item.

Import Data into the Scorecard from Excel Spreadsheet

Learn how to import the performance data for KPIs into a scorecard. Learn to use importing profiles.

Step-by-Step Guide for Importing

  1. Go to your account in BSC Designer. Open a scorecard where you want to import some data.
  2. Go to the KPIs tab.
  3. Click on the Tools menu, select Import Data option.
  4. Select Import from MS Excel document. Optional: reuse previously saved import profiles from the Load settings from profile: drop list.
  5. Click the Next button.
  6. Data import wizard in BSC Designer

  7. Upload MS Excel file. You can use this example Excel project.
  8. BSC Designer reads the file and shows the list of available spreadsheets. Choose a spreadsheet from the list and click the Next button.
  9. BSC Designer loaded data from Excel Spreadsheet

  10. On the next step mark the column that contains values, the column that contains dates, the column that contains target values (if any), and so on.
  11. BSC Designer loaded data from Excel Spreadsheet

  12. Click the Next button to preview the results.
  13. To reuse this import profile later check the Save settings as ... check box. Click the Finish button to finalize data import.


Use SQL Database as a Data Source for the Indicators

Use an external database as a data source for your KPIs. Setup SQL Indicators to access remote database.

Create a Datasource

  1. Click > Settings > Integrations tab
  2. In the Datasources section click Add to add a new datasource

Setup SQL Indicator

  1. Open a scorecard, go to the KPIs tab
  2. Select an indicator that will be a recipient of data
  3. Switch to the Data tab, click on the Data source button next to the Value field
  4. Data source button

  5. Click on the SQL Query button
  6. Formulate required SQL query (see some examples below).
  7. Click on the Next button to preview the results. Click on the Finish button.

Examples of SQL Queries

BSC Designer expects to receive one value as a response to the SQL query. The received data will be used for the Value field of the indicator.

Supported parameters:

Case 1: Indicator is updated daily. There is one value for each date.

select value from datatable where date = %%date%%

Case 2 (most used): Indicator is updated monthly. There are several values for this period in the database that need to be summarized.

select sum(value) from datatable where date between %%UpdatePeriodStart%% and %%UpdatePeriodEnd%%

Right to Create SQL Indicators

By default, power users don't have a right to create new SQL indicators. To grant this right:

  1. Go to the > Users section
  2. Click the Edit button for a user
  3. Use the Allow use external datasources checkbox
  4. Press Save button

Updating Data

There are several ways to update data for SQL indicators:

Use External Data Sources for KPIs

Learn how to automate data input from third-party business tools to KPIs in BSC Designer with Google Sheet Add-ons and RESTFull API.

General Information

An account provides 100 API calls per hour per power user. To update KPIs automatically, use one of these methods:

Connect KPIs to Data Sources via Add-Ons

Use Google Sheets Add-ons to obtain information from external data sources, aggregate data, and update KPIs with aggregated data automatically.

  1. Create Google Sheets document.
  2. Select the menu Extensions > Add-ons > Get add-ons.
  3. Install and configure one of the add-ons for a third-party data source.
  4. Install add-on called BSC Designer Sync (will appear on the right toolbar).
BSC Designer add-on for Google Sheets BSC Designer Sync's use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Initial Setup

  1. Click the API Key command to enter a valid API key (create a new API key in BSC Designer via > Settings > Integrations > Add API Key).
  2. Click the Add KPI command to select a scorecard and KPI from your account.
  3. Click Insert.
  4. A sheet BSC Designer Sync will be created.
  5. Repeat steps 2-3 to add more KPIs.
BSC Designer Sync sheet was created and a KPI

Aggregating Output of Data Source Add-on

Most data sources will provide unaggregated data. For example, an add-on for social media returns daily engagement data with Date column and number of Likes column for each of the dates.

Aggregating value from a data source by last month

To get an aggregated data for the last month, use the formula:

where A is a column with dates, and B is a column with values for each date (exclude texts, such as column name, from the range if needed).

Updating KPI with an Output of Data Source Add-on

Using IMPORTRANGE formulate to enter aggregated data into the KPI

To use the aggregated data as an input for a KPI:

  1. Switch to BSC Designer Sync sheet.
  2. Find New KPI Value column for the destination KPI.
  3. Use IMPORTRANGE formula for the New KPI Value cell.
  4. Click the Sync command to start manual synchronisation or click the Schedule command to automate synchronisation.

The KPI in the BSC Designer scorecard will be updated according to the update interval configured for the indicator.

Create Professional Strategy Maps Automatically

Create strategy maps using data from KPIs tab. Display perspectives, strategic themes, business goals, and KPIs.

For more information about strategy maps design, check out this article.

Manage Strategy Maps

To view or edit a strategy map you need to open an existing scorecard or create a new one, and then go to the Strategy Map tab.

An example of the strategy map

On the toolbar there is a drop list with all of the strategy maps available in your scorecard:

Select a strategy map in BSC Designer

Generate Strategy Map Automatically

BSC Designer can generate a strategy map automatically using information about business goals, aligned KPIs, and cause-and-effect connections between them. To generate a map automatically, create a new map and click the Strategy map placement button:

Generate strategy map automatically

BSC Designer will suggest for you to select a type of the map that you want to create, and will also allow you to customize map settings.

Customize map settings

The interface of the map wizard is divided into several tabs.


Select from several supported visualization styles

To use Map with KPIs map follow these steps:

  1. Create a Map with KPIs using one of the predefined templates (* note, in BSC Designer PRO you can create more templates)
  2. Go to the KPIs tab and select an indicator that you need to align with a region on the map
  3. Select Link item to the map in the Tools
  4. Go back to the Strategy map tab and update your Map with KPIs

Display Themes

A business goal in BSC Designer can belong to various strategic themes. On Display themes tab one can choose the themes that need to be visualized on the current map.


Choose if you want to show all goals, or goals/initiatives for the selected owners only.

Map Display Properties

Various controls on this tab allow the user to customize the appearance of the business goals and aligned items on the strategy map.

Customize the Way Objects Look

BSC Designer uses certain color styles for business goals and KPIs. It is possible to adjust some color settings. Select any object on the strategy map and click Formatting button on the toolbar:

Click on the Formatting button

Once you finish editing make sure to click Lock button on the toolbar to let the software know that this object should not be changed when map will be rebuilt:

Click on the Lock button

Another mean to customize the way how the business goals are displayed on strategy map is by customizing color scheme of the strategic themes. To do this go to the KPIs tab, select any business goal, go to the Context tab, find "Strategic theme" drop list, and click Edit button next to the drop list:

Customize strategic themes

Drawing on the Strategy Map

BSC Designer provides a wide range of objects that you can put on the map. Click on the Custom objects drop list to see what options you have:

Drawing function in BSC Designer

Select an object from the list and click on the strategy map in a place where you want to place this new object.

Text on the Strategy Map

With the Text element you can put a text note anywhere on the strategy map.

Add and edit text on Strategy Map

To customize text properties such as font size and color, select an element and click the Text Properties button on the toolbar.


You can link two objects using different link types. Select a link type that you need:

Add links in BSC Designer online

move a cursor over a source object, click and don't release a mouse button, move the cursor to the other object, select destination point and release the mouse button.

Send to Back, Bring to Front

Two buttons will help you to organize objects on the strategy map. Use them when you need to move some object to the front or bring it to the back.

Send to back bring to front object on strategy map in BSC Designer

Adding Items

You can add business objectives and KPIs to the strategy map.

To add a new goal or indicator:
  1. Select a parent perspective or goal
  2. Use Add Item button

Add new item to the map

To add an item that already exists:

Add business object to a strategy map

Export Goal to Another Scorecard

A goal on the strategy map can be exported to another scorecard. For example, the results of PESTEL analysis can be exported to another strategy scorecard for further development.

Export goal to another scorecard

  1. Select a goal on the map
  2. Click on the Export Goal button
  3. Select target scorecard and new parent item
  4. Click Copy or Link button

AI-Powered Quality Control

The software tracks automatically the application of the best practices of strategic planning on the strategy map.

Find the resultant quality score in the right-top corner of the strategy map:

Create Performance Dashboards for the Most Important KPIs

Display performance data on a dashboard in BSC Designer. Add new charts, create several dashboards, filter data that you need to see.

For more information about dashboards design, check out this article.

Access Dashboards

To access the dashboards follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account at BSC Designer
  2. Open any scorecard
  3. Go to the Dashboard tab
BI Dashboard in BSC Designer

Creating a New Dashboard

Any scorecard in BSC Designer can include several performance dashboards. Using the toolbar on the Dashboard tab you can:

Adding a New Chart to a Dashboard

To add a new chart to a dashboard follow these steps:

  1. Open any scorecard, go to the Dashboard tab
  2. Click the Add... button on the toolbar
  3. Choose an indicator that will be used as a source of the chart data
  4. Select chart type from the drop list
  5. Select if you want to visualize on the dashboard Value, Performance, or Progress
  6. Click OK to finalize the process

Adjusting Chart Properties

In BSC Designer it is possible to move and resize charts according to your needs.

To delete a chart:

  1. Hover over the chart
  2. Click on the red cross icon that will appear

To resize a chart:

  1. Move mouse pointer to the edge of the chart
  2. Press mouse button, resize chart as needed
  3. Release mouse button

Some charts (for example, a Time chart) can be customized additionally.

  1. Move mouse pointer over the chart
  2. Additional control will appear
  3. Add new chart to a dashboard

  4. Use "gear" button to customize chart, for example to change the period of time visualized on the chart

Dashboard Templates

If you plan to use the same layout of charts for different scorecards, then it's a good idea to create a dashboard template:

A new template will appear in the list of dashboards.

Existing dashboard templates can be managed on the > Settings > Workflow tab.

Performance Analysis and Forecast for KPIs

Find the best performing indicators, biggest gain or loss, predict indicator value, and detect indicators that were not updated on time.

How-to use Analysis Function

Here is a general approach to using the analysis functions in BSC Designer:

  1. Open a scorecard in BSC Designer and go to the Analysis tab
  2. Choose the analysis type that you want to use:
  3. Select analysis type

  4. In the list of indicators some columns will support order sorting, click on them to change sorting order:
  5. Choose sorting order

  6. Options below allow to adjust time interval for the analysis as well as other settings

Analysis Types

Here are the supported analysis types in BSC Designer:

Performance Reports for KPIs, Goals, and Initiatives

Generate reports with various views on scorecard performance: overview, action plans, costs of strategy.

Access Reports

To access Reports dialog:

  1. Open a scorecard
  2. Click Report
Reports dialog will be displayed:

Generate a Report for the Scorecard

To generate a report:

  1. Select one of the options:
  2. Generate Reports with BSC Designer

  3. Follow the link to open a generated report.

Create a New Report Profile

To create a new report profile:

  1. In the Profile droplist select any existing report to use it as a starting point
  2. Apply necessary filters
  3. Add/remove necessary columns or rows:
  4. Click OK button to save profile

Modify Existing Profiles

To modify custom profiles:

  1. Select Customize in the Profile droplist
  2. Use arrows to change the position of profile
  3. Use Edit button to modify the settings of the profile

Schedule Regular Reports

Receive reports regularly by email:

  1. Select any report profile from Profile droplets
  2. Click Schedule button
  3. Specify sending frequency
  4. Specify the recipient of the report
  5. Click OK to save

Charts in BSC Designer

To access charts and diagrams in BSC Designer open a scorecard, go to the KPIs tab and select any container or indicator. The chart element is displayed on the right.

Besides having a chart you have several drop lists.

Charts in BSC Designer

Details about Charts and Diagrams

BSC Designer supports several types of chart.