Export Values From KPIs

With BSC Designer You Can Export Indicator Values, Including current values, weights, min and max, baseline and target values.

Step 1. Run Export

Step 2. Select items to export

You can export just KPI structure, data for the selected KPI, or for the whole scorecard.

A checkbox "Export indicators without data" allows the creation of an Excel template that one can fill in later and import back into BSC Designer.

Step 3. Select level of detail

BSC Designer supports different detail levels for export:

Select exporting options

Step 4. Select columns to export

For this step select the columns to be exported.

Step 5. Preview

Verify that the displayed data are what you need.

Step 6. Destination file name

Enter the name of the file where the data should be saved. You can use the .csv extension so that you can open the data in MS Excel.